
Introspection is important. There does not seem to be a “solution to self”, because we are not problems to be solved. We might HAVE problems that bother us, but WE are not those problems.

Over time, and with work and luck, we can give up some worries just enough to be casually okay with who we are, and how we experience life so that we are not constantly stuck in that worry.

Worry is not banished. We just carve a new desire path slightly away from the worry about worrying.

Worry helps us reassess (second guess), which has a valid purpose, but we don’t need to second guess the fact that we second guess things (worry about worrying).

Double-worry can lead to questioning our whether we are entitled to exist, or imagining judgement from others about our right to exist.

We don’t need to second guess whether we have a right to exist. We exist, and that’s all that matters.

Hopefully, we can all find some joy/love/bliss now and again, and can avoid stomping on others when we’re feeling unwanted.

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