Tea Tree Soap 2018

Soap is done. It processed really fast, which scares me a little. I did use a much better stick blender. The pH came out a perfect 10 on one strip, and the other kind a 9.9.
I worry I’ll have trouble with it slumping whenever I remove the molds. I’m going to let it use up counter space in the kitchen until mid-week, and if it’s still soft, I’ll chill it before freeing it. I should have made this batch in January.
Anyway, I’m hopeful, though I overestimated the mold capacity. My old molds have self destructed (HDPE pipe, split), so I have some new, silicone ones. I used three, plus four Solo cups. Don’t judge. This is SCIENCE! 

Note to self, 3L of molds will not hold the soap created from 3L of oils, because, you know, another liter of water, plus some additives, plus the steam trapped in the soap during casting.  (Those molds were domed over with excess soap, and I tapped repeatedly to settle the bubbles.)

ps, I only burned myself once with a glob of molten soap!

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