Sanger Chase Ride

Ride to Sanger with the Sharon group. I was 22 mins late leaving the house, so I told them not to delay the start time. They waited 5-6 mins for me at Hwy 377 and Bonnie Brae. It was a hard push to catch up, and Sharon pushed hard once I got in sight.

Unfortunately, this sort of punished/burned out some of the others as well, especially Jim F. Jim tried to hang on, but at the end he finally admitted he needed to work his way up to this length of ride. He completed it, but with our waiting, it was 2-3 hours extra. That being said, for being about 3 months post-op for hip replacement, he’s doing awesome.

Becky took the SAG wagon back from lunch because of other committments.  Karl took it because he broke a drive-side spoke in the middle where it’d been notched by the chain about 2000 miles ago.
67.4mi Distance
4:22:56 Moving Time
2,303ft Elevation (?)
244 Extreme Suffer Score
146 Points in the Red

213W Weighted Avg Power
2,864kJ Total Work
382 Training Load
87% Intensity

Stat Avg Max
Speed 15.4mi/h 36.0mi/h
Heart Rate 148bpm 182bpm
Cadence 79 110
Power 182W 1,088W
Calories 3,193
Temperature 93℉
Elapsed Time 6:50:30
Device: Garmin Edge 500
Bike: Carbon

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 54s 0% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 1:34:57 36% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 1:20:33 31% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 1:21:45 31% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 4:47 2%

Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 134 W 1:30:34 35%
Z2 Endurance 135 – 183 W 36:49 14%
Z3 Tempo 184 – 220 W 34:16 13%
Z4 Threshold 221 – 257 W 30:24 12%
Z5 VO2Max 258 – 294 W 23:59 9%
Z6 Anaerobic 295 – 367 W 23:56 9%
Z7 Neuromuscular 368+ W 22:10 8%
Distance: 67.43 mi
Time: 4:21:07
Avg Speed: 15.5 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,303 ft
Calories: 3,594 C
Avg Temperature: 93.4 °F

Time: 4:21:07
Moving Time: 4:19:48
Elapsed Time: 6:34:15

Avg Speed: 15.5 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 15.6 mph
Max Speed: 36.4 mph

Elevation Gain: 2,303 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,270 ft
Min Elevation: 534 ft
Max Elevation: 734 ft

Heart Rate
Avg HR: 148 bpm
Max HR: 182 bpm

Avg Power: 187 W
Max Power: 1,088 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 278 W
Normalized Power (NP): 237 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.967
Training Stress Score (TSS): 404.3
FTP Setting: 245 W
Work: 2,919 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 78 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 110 rpm

Avg Temperature: 93.4 °F
Min Temperature: 82.4 °F
Max Temperature: 107.6 °F

Split Time Distance Avg Speed
Summary 4:21:07.5 67.43 15.5
1 12:51.2 3.50 16.3
2 11:24.3 3.50 18.4
3 13:10.3 3.50 15.9
4 12:31.0 3.50 16.8
5 13:57.9 3.50 15.0
6 14:07.6 3.50 14.9
7 13:52.4 3.50 15.1
8 14:16.5 3.50 14.7
9 15:37.2 3.50 13.4
10 4:01.6 0.79 11.8
11 14:30.1 3.50 14.5
12 12:28.8 3.50 16.8
13 12:02.2 3.50 17.4
14 11:58.0 3.50 17.5
15 16:08.6 3.50 13.0
16 13:54.0 3.50 15.1
17 5:12.3 1.17 13.4
18 :01.4 0.00 0.5
19 13:08.5 3.50 16.0
20 11:25.3 3.50 18.4
21 12:59.9 3.50 16.2
22 1:18.5 0.29 13.3
23 10:09.9 2.18 12.9

82° Feels like 87°
0 mph N wind
Humidity 70%
Source: KDFW

Additional Information
Device: Garmin Edge 500,
Elevation Corrections: Disabled
Power Average Calculations: Use Zeros
Summary Data: Original

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