2013-12-04 Argyle Lunch Ride

Ride from Pilot Knoll park to Cachette, 144 Old Town Blvd, Argyle, TX by way of Hickory Hill Rd in Copper Canyon. Lunch, then ride back, and then I rode the rest of the way home. Co-conspirators were Phil, about on par with me, and Will, for his 4th ride out. Lunch was sandwiches, coffee, and lots of water. Lots of stops and pauses to keep the group together, get photos, gab, etc. Was a very fun ride.

Distance: 19.87 mi
Calories: 1,341 C

Time: 1:31:00
Moving Time: 1:29:43
Elapsed Time: 3:19:46

Avg Speed: 13.1 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 13.3 mph
Max Speed: 34.0 mph

Elevation Gain: 804 ft
Elevation Loss: 758 ft
Min Elevation: 572 ft
Max Elevation: 785 ft

Avg HR: 142 bpm
Max HR: 181 bpm
Z1 Endurance < 112 2:57 3% Z2 Moderate 112 - 148 54:42 59% Z3 Tempo 148 - 166 24:11 26% Z4 Threshold 166 - 184 10:34 11% Z5 Anaerobic > 184 0s 0%
Points in the red: 17 (Z4+Z5 hours * 100)
Suffer Score: 58 ((Z2+Z3 hours * 33) + Red Points)

Avg Power: 121 W
Max Power: 1,275 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 140 W

Avg Bike Cadence: 62 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 127 rpm

Avg Temperature: 82.9 °F
Min Temperature: 78.8 °F
Max Temperature: 89.6 °F


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