Cycling Shoes

yAy! I was able to find some cycling shoes in size 50E (14.2 wide). These are Shimano SH-M088LE, black with red highlights, and have mountain tread and cleat mounts. Insoles are replaceable. They fit really nicely, but I have not ridden in them yet.

My size 49 Pearl Izumi X-Alp shoes are nice, but they make my middle 2 toes go numb and haven’t stretched out after over 400 miles. I used their cleat alignments as the basis for the initial adjustment on the new shoes.

Also, I found some pretty low-cost mountain SPD pedals for my hybrid. They are still clunky and designed for normal shoes, but have 2-sided SPD clips. The PD-M545 are pretty awesome, and support the multi-release cleats (SH55/SH56) which I like.

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