From home to Teasley @ Windriver, and back. The little spur for Bishop Drive was disappointing. Satellite shows a gravel connector back to 2499 by a bridge sidewalk, but there’s a fence, gate, warning signs, etc. Ride out was good. Ride back was tolerable, but there is a monster hill in Copper Canyon, plus a few others coming back home that did me in. I had cold water in the pack, which kept me from getting too warm from the hills. I had a 180 calorie sport-food bar at the north stop. Still, when I got home, I had no leg power left. A little disappointed by this 20 mile/2 hour wall. I seem to have.
I think Saturday should be a ride down Morriss/Geralt to Spinks, then shimmy on the back roads and play around on the Grapevine NorthShore trails, though if I do that, I may need to either rest for an hour, or call for a rescue on the way back.
I’m trying to find a good groove for food. My gut usually doesn’t wake up until around 10am, so it’s hard to get down much for breakfast. Also, when I exercise, I lose appetite, so I have to set up waypoints/reminders (like midpoint). I’m pretty sure that 180 kcal isn’t enough for an hour of riding, but I’m not sure what to lug with me.
I dug up notes and researched again to confirm… I should be eating about 500 calories of carbs per hour while riding. That explains it. I probably had 400 calories total, half of it protein, including breakfast and the mid-ride snack.
The heat has been tough to tackle. Getting up at 5:30 so I can be out the door by sunrise is tough, but it’s a lot better to be finishing up while it’s 84F, than to be finishing up at 96F. Also, I’m using a 2L backpack. I’ll pack it full of ice, then add electrolyte and water. Even in the high 90s, it still has a little ice after 2 hours. I should probably get an electrolyte that has some calories to it. 110… “but it’s a dry heat, right?” heh. “Yah, sort of like that food left in the skillet too long.”