Tag Archives: numbers
CV19 April 3
CV19 Pandemic Update for 2020-04-03
I did not make screenshots of my favorite graphs, but check out http://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/ and play with log vs normal, and etc on the interactive graphs. Deaths and confirmations log chart is very visibly bending in the right direction. We still have a ways to go.
Executive Summary:
- Worldwide, 1,095,917 confirmed cases and 58,787 deaths, which is within 1% of the 1-day estimate.
- US is 275k infected, and 7382 dead, which is also within 1% of 1-day estimates.
- China probably has ~400k unconfirmed cases, and ~16,500 unconfirmed deaths.
- We need our confirmed and death exponents to fall to as close to 100% as possible. (vs 113% & 119% respectively).
- US & TX confirmed exponents are stalled in the 113% range. The death date exponent has not yet fallen, averaging over 120%.
- US deaths per confirmed case continues to increase, and will do so until as far as 47 days after the last new infection.
- Many places in the US extended their stay-at-home plans to May 20.
1-Day Estimate for April 3
Non-China 1,018,824/56,704; Italy 120,107;14,719; USA 277,775/7,382; TX 5,900/90; ME 411/8
SD Adjusted USA 287,625/7,557; Texas 6,139/100
Actual April 3
Non-China 1,013,406/55,461; Italy 119,827/14,681; USA 275,586/7,087; TX 5,734/100; ME 432/9
1-Day Estimate for April 4
Non-China 1,103,432/61,938; Italy 124,594/15,489; USA 311,960/8,475; TX 6,486/130; ME 496/9
SD Adjusted USA 318,885/9,052; Texas 6,853/129
7-day Estimate for April 8
non-China 1,917,505/109,549; Italy 169,991/23,851; USA 745,176/25,239; Texas 15,874/306; Maine 656/26
SD Adjusted USA 707,819/21,874; Texas 14,357/317
This is falling due to our curve getting flatter. US 500k, TX 11.2k
Day to Day deaths are still climbing nationally. No consistent major slowing there. CA and NY/NJ/MA areas have a lot going on. It may take some time for them to dig out of this.
After lockdown, confirmed cases take 9-12 days to be affected, and deaths another 8-11 days after that. Anywhere that is overloaded will have a higher death rate, which may offset this prediction
As expected with the slow-down in spread, our mortality rate keeps climbing. 1.44%, 1.55%, 1.67%, 1.75%, 1.84%, 2.06%, 2.23%, 2.43%, 2.57%.
Inflection point for outbreaks with an R0 of 2.2 is 60% of the population becoming immune. Divide that by whatever you think our detection rate is. I think we get about 38%, so maybe 75m people in the US showing as confirmed. In other words, we are clamping down on the spread. It is not slowing due to going through the bulk of the population. If we all started mingling again tomorrow, we would see a big surge in cases 2 weeks later.
Average is 6 days to onset and 14 days from onset to death for those who do not survive. Social distancing data lags by 3-5 days. Statistics lag by 1 day. Detection lags by 9-12 days. Impact delay of social distancing on confirmations MAY BE 9 days. The correlation is fuzzy, but may be around 9 days lag.
Research for improving mortality rates could put things back to normal, but we are not there yt. Even if it is solved now, logistics of getting it deployed are not instantaneous.
Spreadsheet is updated, and downloadable here:
My favorite charts:
Additional Data Sources:
China Underreporting Claims:
I do not think this is willful deception, so much as, they are only reporting what they can confirm. It just happens that they can confirm only a small subset of the infections prior to March.
China cremation rates, I lost the URL for the older data, but current data is here:
2019 Number of cremated remains JZH014221000 56,007
It varies by about 2500 per quarter, so roughly 5k per month in Wuhan province.
The number of urns and cremations are very high, and “the funeral homes are unable to keep up.”
There are multiple sources indicating people who were not checked into a hospital were not counted.
Journalistic sources include
I did not save teh ones from February where the WHO felt they were underestimating because they had no way to count those otuside of the hospitals. They said 4-8 times higher rates were likely.
This exclusion has been common in other countries, including Italy, Iran, etc:
CV19 April 2
CV19 Pandemic Update for 2020-04-02
I did not make screenshots of my favorite graphs, but their URLs are at the bottom of this post. Deaths and confirmations log chart is very visibly bending in the right direction. We still have a ways to go.
Executive Summary:
- Worldwide, 930,725 confirmed cases and 49,661 deaths, which is within 1% of the 1-day estimate.
- US is 243k infected, and 5926 dead, which is also within 1% of 1-day estimates.
- China probably has ~400k unconfirmed cases, and ~16,500 unconfirmed deaths.
- We need our confirmed and death exponents to fall to as close to 100% as possible.
- US confirmed exponent is stalled in the 114% range. The death date exponent has not yet fallen. I think NY and CA hot zones are affecting it.
- TX confirmed exponent is averaging in the 115% range. The death rate exponent just fell into the 1-teens for the first time.
- US deaths per confirmed case continues to increase, and will do so until as far as 47 days after the last new infection.
- Many places in the US extended their stay-at-home plans to May 4.
1-day Estimate for April 2
non-China 932,543/48,756; Italy 115,572/13,925; USA 241,947/5,843; Texas 4,979/81; Maine 303/5
SD Adjusted USA 256,985/5,982; Texas 5,331/83
Actual April 2
Non-China 930,725/49,661; Italy 115,242;13,915; USA 243,453/5,926; TX 5,069/77; ME 376/7
1-Day Estimate for April 3
Non-China 1,018,824/56,704; Italy 120,107;14,719; USA 277,775/7,382; TX 5,900/90; ME 411/8
SD Adjusted USA 287,625/7,557; Texas 6,139/100
7-day Estimate for April 8
non-China 1,917,505/109,549; Italy 169,991/23,851; USA 745,176/25,239; Texas 15,874/306; Maine 656/26
SD Adjusted USA 707,819/21,874; Texas 14,357/317
Day to Day deaths are still climbing nationally. Some states have begun slowing, but CA and NY have a lot going on. It may take some time for them to dig out of this.
After lockdown, confirmed cases take 9-12 days to be affected, and deaths another 8-11 days after that. Anywhere that is overloaded will have a higher death rate, which may offset this prediction
As expected with the slow-down in spread, our mortality rate keeps climbing. 1.44%, 1.55%, 1.67%, 1.75%, 1.84%, 2.06%, 2.23%, 243%
Inflection point for outbreaks with an R0 of 2.2 is 60% of the population becoming immune. Divide that by whatever you think our detection rate is. I think we get about 38%, so maybe 75m people in the US showing as confirmed. In other words, we are clamping down on the spread. It is not slowing due to going through the bulk of the population. If we all started mingling again tomorrow, we would see a big surge in cases 2 weeks later.
Average is 6 days to onset and 14 days from onset to death for those who do not survive. Social distancing data lags by 3-5 days. Statistics lag by 1 day. Detection lags by 9-12 days. Impact delay of social distancing on confirmations MAY BE 9 days. The correlation is a little fuzzy, but using 9 days got the estimates within 10% over 7 days.
Some good research is going on that promises to improve mortality rates, but that will probably be more for the next batch of people. Even if it is solved now, logistics of getting it deployed are not instantaneous.
Spreadsheet is updated, and downloadable here:
My favorite charts:
Additional Data Sources:
China Underreporting Claims:
I do not think this is willful deception, so much as, they are only reporting what they can confirm. It just happens that they can confirm only a small subset of the infections prior to March.
China cremation rates, I lost the URL for the older data, but current data is here:
2019 Number of cremated remains JZH014221000 56,007
It varies by about 2500 per quarter, so roughly 5k per month in Wuhan province.
The number of urns and cremations are very high, and “the funeral homes are unable to keep up.”
There are multiple sources indicating people who were not checked into a hospital were not counted.
Journalistic sources include
I did not save teh ones from February where the WHO felt they were underestimating because they had no way to count those otuside of the hospitals. They said 4-8 times higher rates were likely.
This exclusion has been common in other countries, including Italy, Iran, etc:
CV19 April First
CV19 Pandemic Update for 2020-04-01
Executive Summary:
* Worldwide, 850,244 confirmed cases and 43,493 deaths, which is 22% lower than predicted 7 days ago.
* China probably has ~400k unconfirmed cases, and ~16,500 unconfirmed deaths.
* US is 213k infected, and 4757 dead, matching the social-distancing estimates, and 55% under un-adjusted 7-day predictions.
* US confirmed exponent continues to fall, but death exponent has not yet fallen. Maybe by Monday if NY & WA not too overloaded.
* US deaths per confirmed case continues to increase, and will do so until as far as 47 days after the last new infection.
* Many places in the US extended their stay-at-home plans to May 4.
Numbers for 03-31 1-day projection was within 1% as usual, but on the low side like the last 5 days. Except Italy.
1-Day Projection: NON-China 768,398/38,363; IT 105,957/12,464; US 185,835/3,595; TX 3,547/55; ME 299/5
Actual Numbers: NON-China 775,208/38,798; IT 105,792/12,428; US 188,172/3,873; TX 3,809/54; ME 303/5
Numbers for 04-01 7-day projection on the distancing formula was within 10%, which is impressive.
7-Day Distancing: US 232,880/4,603; TX 5,875/72
4-day Distancing: US 237,600/4,513; TX 5,003/68
3-day Distancing: US 231,486/4,464; TX 4,761/68
2-day Distancing: US 227,620/4,475; TX 4,583/55
Actual Numbers: US 213,372/4,757; TX 4,355/66
Numbers for 04-01 7-day projection on the averaging formula are 55% low for the US, 32% low for Italy, and about 22% low for non-China. When things are as expected, it comes up within 25% for a 7-day projection. This means the US and Italy are improving, and the rest of the world as a whole is still doing poorly at containing it.
7-Day Projection: WW 1,169,645/61,852; PRC 82,134/3,338; NON 1,087,512/58,514; IT 157,313/19,560; US 477,863/6,398; TX 9,131/162
4-day Projection: WW 1,097,956/54,118; PRC 82,357/3,321; NON 1,015,599/50,796; IT 132,717/16,052; US 333,315/5,929; TX 7,263/90; ME 468/5
3-day Projection: WW 1,017,269/50,218; PRC 82,428/3,321; NON 934,841/46,897; IT 124,403/14,738; US 278,237/5,179; TX 5,427/83; ME 426/5
2-day Projection: WW 964,689/48,019; PRC 82,366/3,318; NON 882,322/44,702; IT 115,671/13,966; US 240,828/4,723; TX 4,543/69; ME 350/5
Actual Numbers: WW 932,605/46,809; PRC 82,361/3,316; NON 850,244/43,493; IT 110,574/13,155; US 213,372/4,757; TX 4,355/66; ME 303/5*
* PRC numbers are likely 1/6th of the actual due to creamatorium activity.
* Maine did not update on 4/01.
Hospitalizations were 7-day projected at 68,262, but came in at 31,142. The hospitalization chart estimated 4770 deaths and we had 4700.
7-Day US Testing: POS 134,035 NEG 728,160 PEND 100,028 HOSP 68,262 DEAD 4,770 Overrun: 04-06 335k
4-Day US Testing: POS 150,376 NEG 785,328 PEND 83,576 HOSP 64,012 DEAD 5,886 Overrun: 04-06 342k
3-Day US Testing: POS 164,152 NEG 817,199 PEND 77,376 HOSP 44,840 DEAD 4,592 Overrun: 04-09 408k
2-Day US Testing: POS 197,908 NEG 966,946 PEND 80,606 HOSP 36,789 DEAD 4,604 Overrun: 04-11 349k
ACTUAL April 1 : POS 210,770 NEG 939,190 PEND 59,687 HOSP 31,142 DEAD 4,700 Overrun: 04-14 336k
1-day Estimate for April 2
non-China 932,543/48,756; Italy 115,572/13,925; USA 241,947/5,843; Texas 4,979/81; Maine 303/5
Adjusted USA 258,180/5,970; Texas 5,400/84
Tweaked USA 256,985/5,982; Texas 5,331/83
7-day Estimate for April 8
non-China 1,917,505/109,549; Italy 169,991/23,851; USA 745,176/25,239; Texas 15,874/306; Maine 656/26
Adjusted USA 679,037/18,955; Texas 15,401/282
Tweaked USA 707,819/21,874; Texas 14,357/317
Day to Day deaths are still climbing at 126%/day. They should start falling short by Monday. After lockdown, confirmed cases take 12 days to be affected, and deaths another 10 days after that. Anywhere that is overloaded will have a higher death rate, which may offset this prediction
As expected with the slow-down in spread, our mortality rate keeps climbing. 1.44%, 1.55%, 1.67%, 1.75%, 1.84%, 2.06%, 2.23%.
Inflection point for outbreaks with an R0 of 2.2 is 60% of the population becoming immune. Divide that by whatever you think our detection rate is. I think we get about 38%, so maybe 75m people in the US showing as confirmed. In other words, we are clamping down on the spread. It is not slowing due to going through the bulk of the population. If we all started mingling again tomorrow, we would see a big surge in cases 2 weeks later.
Average is 6 days to onset and 14 days from onset to death for those who do not survive. Social distancing data lags by 3-5 days. Statistics lag by 1 day. Detection lags by 9-12 days. Impact delay of social distancing on confirmations MAY BE 9 days. The correlation is a little fuzzy, but using 9 days got the estimates within 10% over 7 days.
Some good research is going on that promises to improve mortality rates, but that will probably be more for the next batch of people. Even if it is solved now, logistics of getting it deployed are not instantaneous.
Spreadsheet is updated, and downloadable here:
CV19 Update Sun 03-29
CV19 Pandemic Update for 2020-03-29 (Sunday Night).
Most of the numebrs are slowing down vs projections. On 03-24, our growth rate dropped from 135% to 123%, and the last 2 days have been in the 1-teens. TX lags by a couple days in that regard. We are stubborn. There are reports in the worst hit places of reaching a tipping point, but mostly in the highest density areas.
1-Day Projection: WW 736981/34604; PRC 82101/3302; NON 654880/31302; IT 98859/10999; US 145164/2596; TX 3112/35; ME 265/1
1-Day Distancing: WW 736981/34604; PRC 82101/3302; NON 654880/31302; IT 98859/10999; US 144607/2494; TX 2934/37; ME 265/1
2020-03-29 WW 720117/33925; PRC 82122/3304; NON 637995/30621; IT 97689/10779; US 140886/2467; TX 2792/37; ME 253/3
Reminder: PRC numbers are likely 1/6th of the actual due to creamatorium activity.
Social distancing rates have not been updated in a few days, but we are tracking similarly between the two formulae.
Found another error, so the estimates for testing and hospitalization were too high. One of my cells had a $ in it, so it did not change as I added new data.
1-Day US Testing: POS 126,269 NEG 659,435 PEND 70,178 HOSP 23,397 DEAD 2,585
20200329 POS 139,061 NEG 692,290 PEND 65,549 HOSP 19,730 DEAD 2,428
Fewer hospitalized now means fewer dead in 2 weeks.
2020-03-30 (Monday) Projections
1-Day Projection: WW 785,602/37,588; PRC 82,245/3,309; NON 703,357/34,279; IT 103,200/11,592; US 163,395/3,004; TX 3,175/46; ME 303/3
1-Day Distancing: US 164,555/2,970; TX 3,269/44
+1 Day US Testing POS 157,461 NEG 783,890 PEND 74,222 HOSP 24,311 DEAD 2,932
We are definitely slowing down. Look at the April 1 projection trends.
2020-04-01 7-day Projection April 1
7-Day Projection: WW 1,169,645/61,852; PRC 82,134/3,338; NON 1,087,512/58,514; IT 157,313/19,560; US 477,863/6,398; TX 9,131/162
4-day Projection: WW 1,097,956/54,118; PRC 82,357/3,321; NON 1,015,599/50,796; IT 132,717/16,052; US 333,315/5,929; TX 7,263/90; ME 468/5
3-day Projection: WW 1,017,269/50,218; PRC 82,428/3,321; NON 934,841/46,897; IT 124,403/14,738; US 278,237/5,179; TX 5,427/83; ME 426/5
The distancing formula has been tracking more consistently over the longer term.
7-Day Distancing: US 232,880/4,603; TX 5,875/72
4-day Distancing: US 237,600/4,513; TX 5,003/68
3-day Distancing: US 231,486/4,464; TX 4,761/68
Hospitalization rates are going down, while positive and total testing rates are going up.
7-Day US Testing: POS 134,035 NEG 728,160 PEND 100,028 HOSP 68,262 DEAD 4,770 Overrun: 04-06 335k
4-Day US Testing: POS 150,376 NEG 785,328 PEND 83,576 HOSP 64,012 DEAD 5,886 Overrun: 04-06 342k
3-Day US Testing: POS 164,152 NEG 817,199 PEND 77,376 HOSP 44,840 DEAD 4,592 Overrun: 04-09 408k
I am just giving the general overrun rate above. That is typically within 1 day of when the TX projections look bad, and tracking kinda bad vs super bad is a lot of effort.
Testing rates slowed a little, but not much.
Our mortality rate keeps climbing. 144, 155, 167, 175. TX just started the climb, 122 yesterday, and 133 today. Probably the spring break people. Average is 6 days to onset and 14 days from onset to death for those who do not survive.
Some good research is going on that promises to improve mortality rates.
Inflection point for outbreaks with an R0 of 2.2 is 60% of the population becoming immune. Divide that by whatever you think our detection rate is. I think we get about 38%, so maybe 75m people in the US showing as confirmed.
Social distancing data lags by 3-5 days. Statistics lag by 1 day. Detection lags by 9-12 days. Impact delay of SD on Confirmations MAY BE 9 days, or it may be longer. The correlation is hard to suss out, but it may be that it will become more evident as we get more days of data.
Spreadsheet is updated, and downloadable here:
Pandemic Update March 28
CV19 Pandemic Update for 2020-03-28 (Saturday Night).
I’m thinking that the increase in testing that we have done may simply be what’s required to keep up with our infection spread rate, and maybe does not actually dilute our results. The US mortality rate actually just started to go up again.
The numbers are close to estimates, but non-PRC is 6k low, Texas is 2% high, and Maine is 1.5% high. Either the rest of the world is slowing down, with the future estimates coming back in line, or this was an anomaly which will self-correct soon, with an over-sized day.
2020-03-28 Saturday 1-Day Projection: WW 666020/30928; PRC 82012/3301; NON 584008/27627; IT 92840/10156; US 123266/2067; TX 2400/32; ME 182/1 1-Day Distancing: WW 666020/30928; PRC 82012/3301; NON 584008/27627; IT 92840/10156; US 123859/2000; TX 2390/33; ME 182/1 Actual Numbers: WW 660706/30652; PRC 81999/3299; NON 578707/27353; IT 92472/10023; US 121478/2026; TX 2455/30; ME 211/1
I only include the numbers for PRC because it fits my chart. I am fairy cetrain those numbers are bogus after seeing that their funeral homes appear to be cremating 4-8 times the normal number of bodies. That matches the supposition that we only get 14% of their numbers.
ERR US Testing: POS 107,568 NEG 561,770 PEND 59,784 HOSPITAL 23,397 DEAD 2,585 1-Day US Testing: POS 107,345 NEG 569,288 PEND 64,889 HOSPITAL 19,587 DEAD 2,013 Actual Testing: POS 118,234 NEG 617,470 PEND 65,712 HOSPITAL 16,729 DEAD 1,965
I had a formula error and pasted the wrong line for the estimate. Not too far off from the updated estimate, but the real numbers are much further off than I expected.
2020-03-29 Sunday Estimate 1-Day Projection: WW 736981/34604; PRC 82101/3302; NON 654880/31302; IT 98859/10999; US 145164/2596; TX 3112/35; ME 265/1 1-Day Distancing: WW 736981/34604; PRC 82101/3302; NON 654880/31302; IT 98859/10999; US 144607/2494; TX 2934/37; ME 265/1 1-Day US Testing: POS 126,269 NEG 659,435 PEND 70,178 HOSP 23,397 DEAD 2,585
2020-04-01 7-day Projection April 1 7-Day Projection: WW 1,169,645/61,852; PRC 82,134/3,338; NON 1,087,512/58,514; IT 157,313/19,560; US 477,863/6,398; TX 9,131/162 UPDATE WW 1,097,956/54,118; PRC 82,357/3,321; NON 1,015,599/50,796; IT 132,717/16,052; US 333,315/5,929; TX 7,263/90; ME 468/5
The worldwide numbers are lower by 70k. The US 477k is from a one-day 175% several days ago, and it has not rolled out of the average. If I dilute that, the estimate is 300k Note that the US is not tracked as part of the world here.
7-Day Distancing: WW 1,169,645/61,852; PRC 82,134/3,338; NON 1,087,512/58,514; IT 157,313/19,560; US 232,880/4,603; TX 5,875/72 UPDATE WW 1,097,956/54,118; PRC 82,357/3,321; NON 1,015,599/50,796; IT 132,717/16,052; US 237,600/4,513; TX 5,003/68
The distancing algo still tracks close, with 1.5% difference.
7-Day US Testing: POS 134,035 NEG 728,160 PEND 100,028 HOSP 68,262 DEAD 4,770 Overrun: 04-06 335k UPDATE POS 150,376 NEG 785,328 PEND 83,576 HOSP 64,012 DEAD 5,886 Overrun: 04-06 342k
The US testing chart looks like hospital overrun may still be April 6 (32% of US hospital beds).
Texas projections are the same except the 1.2m point moves out 1 day.
04-13 146k TEXAS ICU STG3
04-14 178k TEXAS VENT STG3 & Hosp STG1
04-17 400k may be the inflection point for Texas if 14% like China, but our death rate is lower than theirs or the world.
04-18 532k TEXAS HOSP STG3
04-22 1.2m Inflection point for R0 of 2.2 is 60% with detection rate of 39.08
The distancing formula update shows TX ICU one day earlier, and hospital stage 3 one day later.
04-25 400k may be the inflection point for Texas if 14% like China, but our death rate is lower than theirs or the world.
05-02 1.2m Inflection point for R0 of 2.2 is 60% with detection rate of 39.08
Here are the milestones from 04-23 data for comparison to track our progress flattening the curve:
04-10 150k TEXAS VENT/ICU STG 2 & Hosp STG 1
04-13 366k TEXAS VENT/ICU STG 3 & Hosp STG 2
04-15 660k TEXAS Hosp STG 3
Milestones are based on guesstimates: TX 28.7m pop; 2.9 beds per 1000 in TX (83230); 32% unoccupied (26633) / 11% are ICU (2929); 6.7% ventilators (1787); 10% limited function ventilation (2663) / 5-15% conf need hosp(532k-177k @ overrun); 2-10% ICU (29k-146k); 1-5% need vent (36k-178k)
Testing has ramped up substantially, every 2 days another 20k per day. We are at 110k per day as of 2020-03-28 16:00 EDT. We are expecting another 50k/day from Abbott Labs. That probably is just going to help keep up with demand, and not dilute deaths by confirmations. US mortality rates are up again, at 1.67%,
Our mortality rate is still about a third of the rest of the world, with TX going down to 122%, and the US going up again today to 167% (155% yesterday, 144% prior).
Inflection point for outbreaks with an R0 of 2.2 is 60% of the population, not 60% of the confirmed cases. If we are catching a third of the cases, then uncontrolled, exponential climb would stop when confirmed cases were 20% of the population. If we are catching a 6th, then 10%.
Social distancing data lags by 3 days. Statistics lag by 1 day. Detection lags by 9-12 days. Impact delay of SD on Confirmations MAY BE 9 days, or it may be longer. The correlation is hard to suss out, but it may be that it will become more evident as we get more days of data.
Spreadsheet is updated, and downloadable here:
CV19 US Hospitalization Rates
CV19 Pandemic Update!
US has stepped up testing rapidly, and so while social distancing is at -40%, we still show +1% of the new model prediction.
03-26 Thursday
1-day Projection: WW 524523/24175; PRC 81731/3289; NON 442792/20886; IT 79988/8254; US 80513/1257; TX 1582/19 non+IT 1.2%, US 5.1%
1-Day Distancing: WW 524523/24175; PRC 81731/3289; NON 442792/20886; IT 79988/8254; US 82170/1244; TX 1632/20 TX 5% high, US 2% low
Actual Numbers: WW 529591/23970; PRC 81782/3291; NON 447809/20679; IT 80589/8215; US 83836/1209; TX 1563/21
The rapid rise in US testing (127% per day average) may numerically counter the decrease in disease spread from social distancing (-40%). I hope that is factored into the policy plans, because it may look a lot more spooky over the next week than it really is.
03-27 Friday
1-Day Projection: WW 601509/27192; PRC 81903/3297; NON 519605/23895; IT 87309/8995; US 106851/1552; TX 1988/29
1-Day Distancing: WW 601509/27192; PRC 81903/3297; NON 519605/23895; IT 87309/8995; US 103554/1554; TX 1971/27
1=Day US Prototype: Positive: 89,618 Negative: 486,863 Pending: 66,880 Hospitalized: 13,923 Dead: 1,471
I added the Number of Tests and number hospitalized in the US to the spreadsheet. This is somewhat complete for the US and TX, but other countries are hit or miss. Those checkpoint earlier in the day than other stats, but that is fine. Those are much better numbers to track hospital overload than trying to extrapolate from confirmed cases, but much less data. I am still tweaking it all.
Midday Thursday, the US had 10131 hospitalized, and 1163 dead from COVID-19. The rates of increase of these are still climbing at the typical 135% per day. There is not yet a clear correlation between social distancing and death or hospitalization rates, but I am still testing ideas.
Since I only have that for the whole US, I am still tracking confirmed, death, and projecting with social distancing in the main sheet.
2020-04-01 7-day Comparison
7-Day Projection: WW 1169645/61852; PRC 82134/3338; NON 1087512/58514; IT 157313/19560; US 477863/6398; TX 9131/162
7-Day Distancing: WW 1169645/61852; PRC 82134/3338; NON 1087512/58514; IT 157313/19560; US 232880/4603; TX 5875/72
7-Day US Prototype: Positive: 134,035 Negative: 728,160 Pending: 100,028 Hospitalized: 68,262 Dead: 4,770 Overrun: 04-06 295-335k
The old formula pushes Texas overrun slightly further out for late-stage events:
04-12 146k TEXAS ICU STG3
04-13 178k TEXAS VENT STG3 & Hosp STG1
04-16 400k may be the inflection point for Texas if 14% like China, but our death rate is lower than theirs or the world.
04-17 532k TEXAS HOSP STG3
04-20 1.2m Inflection point for R0 of 2.2 is 60% with detection rate of 39.08
The new distancing prototype formula looks like this after tweaking:
05-09 400k may be the inflection point for Texas if 14% like China, but our death rate is lower than theirs or the world.
05-21 1.2m Inflection point for R0 of 2.2 is 60% with detection rate of 39.08
The growth in hospitalizations puts overrun at 04-06. I do not know what to believe.
Here are the milestones from 04-23 data for comparison to track our progress flattening the curve:
04-10 150k TEXAS VENT/ICU STG2 & Hosp STG 1
04-13 366k TEXAS VENT/ICU STG3 & Hosp STG 2
04-15 660k TEXAS Hosp STG 3
Milestones are based on guesstimates: TX 28.7m pop; 2.9 beds per 1000 in TX (83230); 32% unoccupied (26633) / 11% are ICU (2929); 6.7% ventilators (1787); 10% limited function ventilation (2663) / 5-15% conf need hosp(532k-177k @ overrun); 2-10% ICU (29k-146k); 1-5% need vent (36k-178k)
Testing has ramped up substantially, and the US has a capacity around 350k tests per week, or 50k per day. The increased testing, and the shift in social distancing makes these numbers more fuzzy. I tweaked my multipliers for regression testing.
Our hospital load may be 31.86% of the world average for the same number of confirmed. Korea had 8652 confirmed from 316664 tests on 03-20 with 94 deaths. Their death rate is 1.42%. Ours is 1.44% with 579k tests, 83836 confirmed, 1209 deaths. The world rate is 4.52% I suppose that the death to confirmed case is tied to the test percentage.
Inflection point for R0 of 2.2 is 60% of the population, times the percentage of infected people who get confirmed. It was estimated elsewhere that China at 4.02% mortality rate per confirmed was 14% tested. That means our hospital load will be 35.82% for the same number of confirmed, or that our confirmed cases are 39.08% of our total cases.
TX has 28.7 million, and 39.08% of that is 1.12 million as our inflection point.
Unknown accuracy because testing inputs are changing, and I am just making things up.
Social distancing data lags by 3 days. Statistics lag by 1 day. Detection lags by 9-12 days. Impact delay of SD on Confirmations is 9 days.
Social Distancing Dashboard
CV19 no big deal
SARS-2 March 24 Update
First, the update:
03-24 Tuesday
1-day Projection: WW 425953/18600; PRC 81595/3283; NON 346031/15382; IT 69104/6744; US 57310/731; TX 916/10
Actual Numbers: WW 417966/18615; PRC 81591/3281; NON 336375/15334; IT 69176/6820; US 53740/706; TX 955/12
03-25 Wednesday
1-day Projection: WW 461807/21005; PRC 81686/3288; NON 381238/17782; IT 74856/7654; US 66137/903; TX 1203/16
Infection spread appears to be reducing in US and TX, even though TX was above projections for yesterday.
US shows 134% instead of 135%, and the last 3 days were 130%, 131%, and 123%.
TX shows 135% instead of 147%, and the last 3 days were 108%, 121%, and 126%.
This implies that the declaration of pandemic may have had positive effect.
The numbers from tonight or tomorrow will start reflecting any changes caused by the declaration of national emergency.
Milestones would have pushed out a day, but my methodology was poor. I now show the number for the condition in the left of the note, not the estimated number for that day. Also, I dropped stage 2 here, and just show worst case reserve (smallest number) and best case reserve (largest number). I do not have proper numbers to separate stage 1 (over standard) vs stage 2 (over minimum reserve).
04-10 146k TEXAS ICU STG3
04-11 178k TEXAS VENT STG3 & Hosp STG1
04-14 400k may be the inflection point for Texas
04-15 532k TEXAS HOSP STG3
Milestones are based on guesstimates, because the exact number of ICU beds and placement of ventillators is proprietary data that is hard to find and confirm. My estimates are based on: TX 28.7m pop; 2.9 beds per 1000 in TX (83230); 32% unoccupied (26633) / 11% are ICU (2929); 6.7% ventilators (1787); 10% limited function ventilation (2663) / 5-15% conf need hosp(532k-177k @ overrun); 2-10% ICU (29k-146k); 1-5% need vent (36k-178k)
Testing infrastructure may fail before the inflection point, leading to a false decrease in numbers reported. If that happens, we may not numerically reach the inflection point, which is 60% of the population for R0 of 2.2. Remember, we only confirm 12-15% of the actual cases, as many are mild or even asymptomatic, but are still infectious to others.
I expect these to move further out each of the next few days, and then it will probably look like it levels off a bit for several days before reducing further.
We are not out of the woods. Hospital usage is 1-4 weeks. Average infection course is 20 days with no hospitalization, but once people are bad enough to need O2 or ventilation, it takes longer to recover well enough to not need it anymore. If we were to fall to 112% today (unrealistic extreme) and stay there, the milestone dates become 04-23, 04-25, 05-07, 05-09, 05-16, 05-18. That spreads out enough that we may gain an extra couple of days on each due to early cases resolving (people do not stay in the hospital forever).
The current milestones for the US, since TX is about 9% of the US:
03-31 29k -> 322k US ICU OVERRUN STAGE 1
03-31 36k -> 400k US VENT OVERRUN STAGE 1
04-05 146k -> 1622k US ICU STG3
04-06 178k -> 1977k US VENT STG3
04-08 400k -> 4444k US inflection point
04-09 532k -> 5800k US HOSP STG 2
These are MUCH more fuzzy, since it is not exactly 9%, and ICU, Vent and bed capacities vary. That adds 1-2 days uncertainty. This also will be affected by any changes in the numbers as discussed above.
Here are the milestones from 04-23 data for comparison to track our progress flattening the curve:
04-10 150k TEXAS VENT/ICU STG2 & Hosp STG 1
04-13 366k TEXAS VENT/ICU STG3 & Hosp STG 2
04-15 660k TEXAS Hosp STG 3
NOTE that the very first milestone was 04-02 based on 570 ICU beds, and was abandoned as a predictor.
When testing and behavior are nonchanging:
Model is +/- 25% per week
That is +/- 1.5 days for stage 1
That is +/- 2.5 days for stage 2
That is +/- 3.5 days for stage 3
Inflection point for R0 of 2.2 is 60%.
Current reporting rate is 12-15%.
Assuming we keep testing by same criteria, the Tx inflection point is 400k confirmed.
We may not reach this numerically due to testing/infrastructure failure.
eg, we may reach stage 3 while our confirmed rate is much lower, but still around the same days.
This is all bistromath, and both reporting rates, and trends are changing daily at this point.
Also note that the numbers lag by up to 24 hours based on reporting systems.
Also Also note that it still takes around 12 days for action changes to affect trends, since people infected today will not be detected for a while.
Also Also Also note that there are many people who have NO symptoms at all, but are still infecting others. This, along with poor testing, explains the 12-15% confirmation rate.