Bike Tires & Pressure

This is reference info for me:

  • Pavement Reference: 700c, 28mm @ 120psi for 300 LB ride weight, 60% rear
  • Cruiser Reference: 32er, 55mm @ 60psi for 310 LB ride weight, 70% rear
  • Off-Road Reference: 700c, 40mm @ 40psi for 180 LB ride weight, 60% rear

Slower speed, butt off the seat, you can go lower psi. You’d be risking pinch flats on longer rides, or unseating the bead in harder turns, etc

Tread pattern is coarse for rough terrain, fine for sand & hardpack, and smooth for pavement.

Higher pressure prevents tire flex, and is better on pavement. – Less shock absorption, grippy on soft, loose surface.

Lower pressure increases tire flex, which grips obstacles better. – Increased risk of pinch flats, or rolling off the rim.

General width preferences:

  • Hardpack or pavement – narrow to prevent drag
  • Sand, pea gravel, mud – wide to prevent sinking
  • loose, large gravel – wide to prevent pinch flats, throwing gravel, etc

Weight Distribution

  • Cruiser ~ 70% rear.
  • Mountain ~ 60% rear.
  • Race Road ~ 55% rear.

Proportional adjustments:

  • Narrower tire for larger diameter
  • Lower pressure for lower weight
  • Lower pressure for wider tire

Rim sizes:

  • 559mm = 26er
  • 584mm = 650b / 27.5″
  • 622mm = 700c / 29er
  • 686mm = 32er
  • 787mm = 36er

Bicycle cross-chaining

Mark loves to prod me about cross-chaining, because it’s formally a naughty-no-no. I thought I’d give some observations, since I am a chronic cross-chainer.

Cross chaining wears the sides of the sprockets, which is never what wears out. I ride like I am a 1×9 unless I’m on hills. No problems. All major makers support 1×11 (single gear in front, all the way back and forth in the rear).

Cross chaining puts a side load on chain pins, so use a chain whose plates don’t pop off. Most are made by KMC, with a brand label on them. I found SRAM branded chains hold up better. SRAM was the first to offer 1×11 drivetrains. KMC branded, Shimano branded, etc would pop a link by 600 miles. Maybe better now, but I have no reason to change brands. Bell chains are just too heavy/slow/frictiony, but work fine. Whippermsn chains are super durable, but expensive. Chains with a dimple or flat pin edge are better than the ones that look like a wite cutter went after them.

Wear on the teeth, ramps, and pins of the cassette/chainrings is due to shifting. Side loads don’t matter much, but heavy loads do. Don’t shift under high load, and they will last longer. If you hear a crunch when shifting because you waited to downshift, that’s more damaging.

Wear on chains is mostly from higher wattage, incorrect lubrication, and grit abrasion. Clean and lube your chain any time you can hear it at all. Try different lubes and see what you like. You can even throw it in a jug of 50wt motor oil, or molten candle wax if you like, but make sure to wipe it off well. Oil only needs to be inside the rollers. Anywhere else attracts grit.

Wattage, well, whatever power you can put into a chain is part of the fun, but if you are 285 pounds like me, and stand to power up a hill, expect more wear.

Lastly, when your chain gets to 0.5% stretched, replace it. Letting it go longer causes additional wear on the sprockets.

The only other issue to bring up is practical, not wear related, and that’s dropped chains.

If you are all the way tiny in the back, and shift up to the big ring in the front, expect to drop the chain off the outside, onto the crank arm.

If you are all the way small in the back, and try to shift to the small ring up front, expect to drop your chain between the cranks and the frame.

If you are fast, you can soft pedal, shift 2-3x in the rear, then shift up front, before losing much momentum. Chain guards and idler arms are not super effective at preventing drops caused by cross chaining.

Sanger Chase Ride

Ride to Sanger with the Sharon group. I was 22 mins late leaving the house, so I told them not to delay the start time. They waited 5-6 mins for me at Hwy 377 and Bonnie Brae. It was a hard push to catch up, and Sharon pushed hard once I got in sight.

Unfortunately, this sort of punished/burned out some of the others as well, especially Jim F. Jim tried to hang on, but at the end he finally admitted he needed to work his way up to this length of ride. He completed it, but with our waiting, it was 2-3 hours extra. That being said, for being about 3 months post-op for hip replacement, he’s doing awesome.

Becky took the SAG wagon back from lunch because of other committments.  Karl took it because he broke a drive-side spoke in the middle where it’d been notched by the chain about 2000 miles ago.

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Lunch Ride

Lunch at Modmarket, a new restaurant. Apple maps had a massively wrong location for 3651 Justin Road. Also, notice the teleport from Wal-Mart to Silverthorn. I forgot to turn on my GPS.

Men’s Ride

Karl, Jim and I went for a quick spin. Pretty muggy out there, but the temps were nice. We started early, and rolled about 7:05am from the AMC pond, and about 6:50 from my back gate. Ended up a little further than we planned, but was good. Wind was brutal. This was a pretty hard push to only get 16.2mph. Average watts shows the truth.

I stayed near the front for much of the second half of the ride, but I was never far ahead. It’s more of the initial power-up rather than a massive difference in power. Looking over the last few months of Garmin history for rides over 20 mins and 5 miles, this is my highest average wattage (214 vs 207) by 7 watts, but only my second highest max-average-watts (244 vs 258 highest 20-min average during the ride).

I also had actual breakfast – 2 mini sausage-biscuits (300kcal) and 3 six-inch pancakes (about the same). No syrup or butter. Powerade full-strength in one bottle, and half plus sugar-free green tea in the other… plus 20oz of gatorade mid-ride, plus a fried pie mid ride. It was 20 miles in before I opened the first bottle, but I’ve been pretty well hydrated lately. I definitely felt the slowdown before beginning the rehydration.

I was short on sleep, and had Advocare MNS Max E (though I didn’t have the CorePlex, the probiotic, nor the Omega. I added a single OptiMen multi tablet, and one TwinLab TriBoron Plus calcium). The MNS E is caffeine laiden, and I felt very alert. Perceived exertion seemed lower than expected, but it was still very obviously a hard push. The ingredients all look to be okay were I in a UCI race, but I can’t help but wonder about metabolites, etc. I couldn’t find anything on the USADA or WADA websites on labs for testing. They specifically don’t test supplements. More research is warranted.
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Leaderless Ride

Sharon was ill, so a few of us rode from the duck pond.
Karl, Kathy, Jim, Becky, Darrell and I.
Was a pretty easy pace other than a couple hill sprints for fun.
We stopped at the Wal-Mart grocery-only at 2499 and 3040,
and stopped at the Farmer’s Market at I35 and Garden Ridge.
I’m missing a chunk from Wal-Mart until almost to LakeSide.
We were going to check out the Loozvil parade, but we were early.
Overcast for much of the ride was welcome.
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Solo(w) Lunch Ride

Just a jaunt over to lunch with Mark, Rob and Scott.
Lots of discussions about rights, racketeering, police brutality, religion, etc.

Lunch ride:
4.6mi Distance
20:21 Moving Time
246ft Elevation (?)
9 Suffer Score
1 Points in the Red

240W Weighted Avg Power
238kJ Total Work
37 Training Load
98% Intensity

Stat Avg Max
Speed 13.7mi/h 34.0mi/h
Heart Rate 124bpm 168bpm
Cadence 73 102
Power 195W 831W
Calories 265
Temperature 99℉
Elapsed Time 2:28:17

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 4:11 21% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 12:45 63% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 2:33 13% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 52s 4% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 0s 0%

Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 134 W 8:15 41%
Z2 Endurance 135 – 183 W 2:15 11%
Z3 Tempo 184 – 220 W 1:58 10%
Z4 Threshold 221 – 257 W 1:20 7%
Z5 VO2Max 258 – 294 W 1:17 6%
Z6 Anaerobic 295 – 367 W 1:44 9%
Z7 Neuromuscular 368+ W 3:25 17%
Distance: 4.64 mi
Time: 20:08
Avg Speed: 13.8 mph
Elevation Gain: 246 ft
Calories: 239 C
Avg Temperature: 99.0 °F

Time: 20:08
Moving Time: 19:59
Elapsed Time: 2:28:28

Avg Speed: 13.8 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 13.9 mph
Max Speed: 34.7 mph

Elevation Gain: 246 ft
Elevation Loss: 217 ft
Min Elevation: 558 ft
Max Elevation: 627 ft

Heart Rate
Avg HR: 124 bpm
Max HR: 168 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm

Avg Power: 202 W
Max Power: 831 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 84 W
Normalized Power (NP): 283 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 1.155
Training Stress Score (TSS): 43.7
FTP Setting: 245 W
Work: 245 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 72 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 102 rpm

Avg Temperature: 99.0 °F
Min Temperature: 86.0 °F
Max Temperature: 105.8 °F

Split Time Distance Avg Speed
Summary 20:08.3 4.64 13.8
1 9:03.5 1.92 12.7
2 11:04.9 2.72 14.7

90° Feels like 95°
9 mph ENE wind
Humidity 52%
Source: KDFW

Additional Information
Device: Garmin Edge 500,
Elevation Corrections: Disabled
Power Average Calculations: Use Zeros
Summary Data: Original

Strava Connect?

I accidentally deleted my upload bookmarks, because in Chrome, “T” means new tab in one context, but delete in the bookmarks context. Really stupid. As in ridiculously stupid. As in, how does the product manager remember to breathe, or not to eat their own faeces, stupid.

Anyway, this precipitated me finding the Strava (strive!) upload link, which now recommends linking to Garmin Connect. Now, Garmin Express magically uploads to all of the places I care about.

On the flip side, it’ll sync before I put in any details about the ride… Meh. Whatever.

Looks like power, hrm, timing, and laps all made it over.

HH100 timing chip

At HH100, there were 15,000 registrants,
and 3198 completed the 100 mile course.
Here’s my timing chip results for bib 2942:

Division: M 35-39 Division Place: 59 Total Division: 214
Gender: M Gender Place: 802 Overall Place: 864
Chip Time: 06:29:38.0 Pace: 15.4mph


Great ride with lots of friends. No food stops, but lots of rest stops. Very toasty. I’ll update this on facebook later with more details.
73.1mi Distance
5:01:17 Moving Time
2,267ft Elevation (?)
67 Suffer Score

193W Weighted Avg Power
2,888kJ Total Work
326 Training Load
75% Intensity

Avg Max
Speed 14.6mi/h 32.2mi/h
Elapsed Time 7:13:51

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 4:26:32 88% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 33:56 11% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 49s 0% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 0s 0% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 0s 0%

Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 142 W 2:17:37 46%
Z2 Endurance 143 – 194 W 50:49 17%
Z3 Tempo 195 – 233 W 31:58 11%
Z4 Threshold 234 – 271 W 24:11 8%
Z5 VO2Max 272 – 310 W 17:16 6%
Z6 Anaerobic 311 – 388 W 20:22 7%
Z7 Neuromuscular 389+ W 18:35 6%
Distance: 73.11 mi
Time: 4:59:48
Avg Speed: 14.6 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,267 ft
Calories: 1,381 C
Avg Temperature: 96.6 °F
Time: 4:59:48
Moving Time: 4:58:14
Elapsed Time: 7:14:02
Avg Speed: 14.6 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 14.7 mph
Max Speed: 32.8 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,267 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,267 ft
Min Elevation: 453 ft
Max Elevation: 724 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 65 bpm
Max HR: 149 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Power: 165 W
Max Power: 840 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 192 W
Normalized Power (NP): 224 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.834
Training Stress Score (TSS): 345.2
FTP Setting: 269 W
Work: 2,960 kJ
Avg Bike Cadence: 74 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 103 rpm
Avg Temperature: 96.6 °F
Min Temperature: 82.4 °F
Max Temperature: 113.0 °F
View Splits
Avg Speed
Summary 4:59:48.4 73.11 14.6
1 11:04.9 2.56 13.8
2 15:22.1 3.50 13.7
3 12:37.2 3.50 16.6
4 14:09.5 3.50 14.8
5 14:00.2 3.50 15.0
6 15:24.3 3.50 13.6
7 15:07.9 3.50 13.9
8 15:09.3 3.50 13.9
9 15:18.9 3.50 13.7
10 14:59.0 3.50 14.0
11 15:00.3 3.50 14.0
12 12:50.4 3.50 16.4
13 12:24.2 3.50 16.9
14 12:49.6 3.50 16.4
15 14:14.8 3.50 14.7
16 15:27.4 3.50 13.6
17 15:42.4 3.50 13.4
18 13:52.7 3.50 15.1
19 14:15.1 3.50 14.7
20 13:35.9 3.50 15.4
21 3:10.4 0.66 12.4
22 13:11.9 3.40 15.4
Feels like 84°
14 mph S wind
Humidity 70%
Source: KDFW
Additional Information

Garmin Edge 500,
Elevation Corrections

Power Average Calculations

Use Zeros
Summary Data: