Radiation Bond dream

Dream during wake-up at 3:30am (too early! Why am I awake & churning?)

Bond car left on our property that was found to have an abandoned, very hot radiation source. Lots of townspeople angry at us, and crazy car chases trying to dispose of it instead of continually be exposed from across the property. Hot as in picking it up was scary, but not barf and slough. Transporting it was multiple lifetime doses, not instant death sentence.

Dream of The Arts

I don’t remember much, but it was fairly early in the morning. We were at a play, at a school auditorium, which had been an evening gala. Piles of clothes lined up around the dressing and rest rooms. Several friends were playing roles, on a whim. It was sort of like live auditions, in front of a live audience. Several people were drunk from an evening of partying.

I was heading out, and navigating stacks if clothes with a 2-wheel hand truck, through the door, through what I thought was a restroom. Fun jibes with a guy on the way out. I was pooped. Then… I was outside.

And as I walked away, I saw her. She had been inside, in a red dress, with frills. Here, jeans, a white and baby blue striped shirt, and the best curls I’ve ever seen. We’d talked inside, but not much. Time jumped. because she had been in line to go on stage when I left.

Someone was trying to pick a verbal fight with her, so I walked with her, put my arm across her back, and told her to just ignore them.

She was tall, had a kind, pretty, uncertain face. Light brown, dark tan.. but with freckles. I REALLY loved her hair. All 1″ curls, even on top.

Slight Spanish accent, but mostly neutral US. We chatted, and were both kind of swooning. “Would you really be interested in dating a mean girl?” “Maybe.”

Some quips and we found the we lived close, and would try to have no expectations, but were both besmitten. We were late 20s, healthy, I was lean, and we were excited.

After waking, I still have the feeling. I miss her, and she’s an imaginary amalgamation of a comedian, my spouse, and others.

The dream before had something to do with international calls, and trying to solve something.

Fire Chasies

It was embarrasing. We had firechasies loose on the ship. One or two were annoying. They liked to toy with people, maybe singe hair. They were psychic, and imbued people with a little fear. They thought it was funny.

But this was maybe 40 or 50. The richies who rented the ship thought it would be good fun, but of course, the chasies got loose. This was a real hazard. We would have to vent the ship.

But did we? Were we just playing into their silly littly game? How long could people last with the cabins purged, Could we cram everyone somewhere safe and keep the chasies out?

I went to the cockpit, and looked out the window. Beautiful. We were low over a thick dust ring around a gas giant. Anyway, back to the plan.

I needed to make sure that others were safe if we lost control of the ship. Only one ship nearby.

“Pegasus, how many on board?”

“Pegasus Crew Transport, 51 souls on board.”

I could see them now. They looked like a lolipop with two long pontoons. Reminded me of the Precursor ship on Star Control.

They were moving fast, lower against the dust rings. They had to be hitting pebbles, but they were gone in less than a minute.

OK. We have 3 minutes of venting. Any longer, and we won’t have enough air left. Hope we can get all of the chasies out.

I feel a twinge of guilt. They’re sentient. Not overtly evil. Some people even keep one as a pet. But there’s no other choice.

And then I woke up.

I don’t always remember dreams. Sometimes not as much detail, but sometimes very elaborate, multiple scenes, etc. Usually not vibrant, like me visualizing or remembering when awake. Usually happens when waking, and usually gone if I go back to sleep. I remembered more when I was younger. Probably because I had untreated sleep apnea in my 20s. (UPPP/Tonsilectomy did wonders for sleep quality.)

I have others in text files, livejournal, wordpress, facebook, reddit.

Alien Dreams

I don’t remember much of my dreams from last night, but I just remembered that there was something where there were aliens trying to talk to us. We kept not noticing that listening, and so eventually they brought in some sort of dimensional shift.

I don’t know if it was another earth or if it was space-time folding around the earth or whatever. There were places and times where gravity was extra light or was reversed. I remember feeling the stomach drop from floating up at some point in the dream.

There was some communication with aliens through some devices that were floating around and interacting and everything. Eventually, they were leaving, and asked if I wanted to go with them. I had 2 1/2 minutes to decide. I asked a few questions about it, but I woke up before I decided.

I’ve been awake 2 or 3 hours, and it surprises me that I remember any of it. I didn’t remember it when I first woke up.

Sony Disc 18 Dream

Dreamland had a big party and I don’t remember everything. Basically my grandparents Davis’ house, and the kitchen was a living room. All of the cabinets and where the stove were had a bunch more cabinets, and we had a lot of books and storage information.

I’d just met up with one of the two really tall guys that we all knew from the parallel universe. He had a Sony video recorder that used Disc 18 which was basically an 18 inch analog laser disk. It had a 10 inch LCD on the other side. It had a 1.8 inch camera lens on one of the edge near the corner.

It had hand straps on both sides so it was easy to hold while watching playback. The recording quality was excellent, but it was a little bit of an older unit. Everything had been replaced with digital and gotten more compact but the guy who had it really liked it and wasn’t ready to make the change.

Another one of the guys had a special type of mask that he was trying to use so that he would be allowed to formally date his girlfriend from the other universe, but he kept forgetting to wear it, and was probably going to get denied.

The mask had a patch of blue surgical mask fabric that covered almost the entire bridge of the nose as a sort of clamp to hold it in place. It had elastic straps down to a small patch that cover just the nostrils and then another elastic patch that maybe hung off the lip or something.

I’m having trouble remembering exactly but it seems like possibly everyone from both universes maybe had more than two nostrils. This is one of those things that you just kind of don’t remember the details because it is so mundane.

It was all very vivid and probably spawned by some memories from when I looked up my moms house on Google Maps the other day, as there were similar memory feels, and vivid connections between the houses.

Weird dream hiding

Dream, running around, trying the key fob at night in a sketchy hood. Can’t find the Lambo my roommate bought.

As the dream unfolds, I’m slinking around at night with a hitman gangster (broad shouldered, Italian muscle man) looking for my roommate because he STOLE the car, and a wireless access point, from some rich kingpin.

We’re peering through dead vines crowding a light pole, and climbing over crumbling fences with house demo trash trying to not be too visible to the choppers searching.

Too hot for both of us, so trying to gtfo. We go into his apt, looking fot his keys. His apt is an old Crab Shack, but they don’t sell crabs anymore, only pig lips and assholes.

Anyway, this guy can’t believe the roomie is impossible to find, but just wants out. Song plays like a Vegas show “I ain’t got no… GASOLIIIIIIINNNNNEEE”

Meanwhile, I’m pissed at the roommie, but this ass hole will never find him anyway. My roommate is me, just an alternate personality.

Keep your enemies close, eh?

Travel dream

I was given an assignment, and had just traveled. I was in an auditorium at the travel center near the air terminals. Talking to people while waiting to be clearerd in, and I looked at my watch. I suddenly realized my mother was alive in this year. I showed my excitement, and gathered my things. I had just enought time to visit.

I made my way to the sky train that would lead me to the exit, but I was denied entrance. My wallet had a small bit of wear inside one flap, and these two said it was a fire hazard. I could not tell if they were toying with me to be rude, or because their friend worked at the wallet shop. They warned me to not try to sneak my wallet past them in my luggage. There would be penalties.

Angrily, I made my way out of line, and let GPS figure out where I was. Only two shops available. One closed 15 minutes ago. The other was open. It was a strange but well appointed place, yet they had no slippers. I had to walk around in my socks. They had only one wallet. I could poke my finger through it, and it had no RFID shielding. It was expensive, and would never pass scrutiny. They did have a large portfolio, but I had no way to carry that.

By the time I was done, I had no wallet, and no way out until those two changed shift unless I was willing to throw away my wallet in front of them. I was missing my chance. I marched up to them and sternly told them they were a disgrace, and dishonored their families.

And then I woke up.

Modern Crusade Dream

We were at a Western hotel in Mumbai. The staff were white, and everything catered to the wealthy. Business was off, so we got to visit sometimes for lunch. Something happenned to the staff, and the east side dining hall got no service for hours after seating patrons.

The manager comped four tables, including ours, and gave us a his card. It said we could come in after 11:30pm and before 2:30 am to get leftovers and seconds (errored orders) buffet style for free. But, really, we could come in by 9:30pm, and until 5:30am. Lots of leftovers due to slow business.

This helped because we were always busy in the slums, and never knew when we’d get back. We were a mercenary tactical / investigation team, with not as much budget as we’d like, but enough to get what we needed. A bit of extra time in the fancy hotel was welcome.

We were at odds with the CIA, so we were on alert when we found the two familiar agents standing in our equipment room. They were fatigued, and just said, “load up.”

A Christian extremist group was hunting internationally, kidnapping members of our team, and forcing them to call in warnings. “Do not touch us! Do not touch us!”

We would find the team member, and we would have 10 minutes to query them, look through pockets, etc. Then they would get confused, seize, foam at the mouth, and die. If we touched them, it was contagious, and would get the next person. There would always be awriting, in Arabic, that said “do not touch us”.

This time, they needed our help. The extremists seemed nearly impossible to identify, but always left a subtle clue. We needed more than just that they hated Arabs, they considered themselves Christians, and that they were very well funded.

Spacetime Dream

I had one of those dreams during waking that was both vivid and meaningful. It was in a village, with many people around. Standing inside, but near the lip of a basin. There were trees, complex terrain, but not a lot of big rocks. Everything was lush and green in the late afternoon, early evening. Before dusk, but no direct beams of light seen.

The basin wasn’t actually a basin. It was curved spacetime. Gravity did not “feel” strange, but it did “look” like we would walk down into the basin to go forward. Left and right seemed normal. Perhaps the Earth had become a Mobius Strip in spacetime, not a torus. We were looking across the gap from the inside.

There was no Sun in this universe. It just became brighter and darker over time. Shadows were always towards the center of the strip, but if you looked behind you, you would see the curce of the Earth going upwards.

We were looking up at the moon. The moon was physically smaller, but seemed much larger because of how close it was. It took up maybe 5-10 degrees of arc worth of the sky. The moon travelled perpetually in the center, because really, it stayed stationary. The Earth’s surface rotated continually, almost flowed, across the Mobius, dragging atmosphere with it.

Left to right, there were lots of cirrus clouds, with a thick line of them. You could see the clouds striking and billowing against the line of clouds. No dust was coming off of the moon, and it was very dense — more massive than IRL.

In the distance, instead of blackness, or stars, it was the darkest blue. You could see the lights of night-time, creating an outline of the entire continent of Africa, isolated, without Europe nearby. It was almost directly across it seemed, but it was also up vertically because of the curvature.

We understood, all of this in a way, because we had grown up with it. This was still an amazing sight, just like IRL how people get excited for a solar eclipse, or a blood moon, or a comet, or a meteor shower, or any other less common movements.

Orbital Mechanics and Friends

I had a dream that I was on a space station, and our old van was a shuttle. An escape pod failed as we were leaving the station, and my dream went into orbital mechanics ala Kerbal Space Program. On waking, I pondered orbital mechanics, and realized it’s just like people.
Community is like orbital space. Each person is a satellite. Your interests, drives, life and death all define your orbit. Your location is the barycenter of your orbit, the focus of your ellipse.
Along your path, you will pass near other satellites, people. If your orbits are not close, it may be a single encounter. Maybe your orbit lines up repeatedly. Maybe not. Communication tech is better mowadays, and you can talk to someone orbiting Jupiter with a little lag.
But, you only have so much fuel (drive) to change your orbit. And if you aim for someone not on on a very similar path, you almost certainly guarantee that your paths will diverge more widely.
Unless you grab on and become one peice in a new, combined orbit, a risky maneuver. Instead, it’s less disruptive to adjust your orbit on each pass. Move your center when you can, and look for other satellites near you.  
Which satellites seem familiar. Is there a shared mission or purpose. Can you benefit? Are they from a friendly nation, or do you need to be on guard? If they are new and suddenly there, are they a risk for knocking you out of your planned orbit, or dragging you down the gravity well? If you join up, they be too big of a mass or too tightly coupled for you to change your orbit later? Or are they a whole new anchor in space to orbit freely, yet still taking you for a ride?
The best are when you orbit the others who orbit you, or you share closely overlapping orbits. If inclination matches, you meet more often than every orbit.
I have lots of acquaintances in unmatched orbits. waves
I have several friends in harmonic matched orbits. Hi Hi Hi Hi Good to see you again.
I have a few people that I try to keep my orbit matched with. I definitely have my own mass and velocity that makes this difficult sometimes, but I appreciate those on similar missions burning their limited fuel to help us stay in sync.