Solo(w) Lunch Ride

Just a jaunt over to lunch with Mark, Rob and Scott.
Lots of discussions about rights, racketeering, police brutality, religion, etc.

Lunch ride:
4.6mi Distance
20:21 Moving Time
246ft Elevation (?)
9 Suffer Score
1 Points in the Red

240W Weighted Avg Power
238kJ Total Work
37 Training Load
98% Intensity

Stat Avg Max
Speed 13.7mi/h 34.0mi/h
Heart Rate 124bpm 168bpm
Cadence 73 102
Power 195W 831W
Calories 265
Temperature 99℉
Elapsed Time 2:28:17

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 4:11 21% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 12:45 63% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 2:33 13% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 52s 4% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 0s 0%

Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 134 W 8:15 41%
Z2 Endurance 135 – 183 W 2:15 11%
Z3 Tempo 184 – 220 W 1:58 10%
Z4 Threshold 221 – 257 W 1:20 7%
Z5 VO2Max 258 – 294 W 1:17 6%
Z6 Anaerobic 295 – 367 W 1:44 9%
Z7 Neuromuscular 368+ W 3:25 17%
Distance: 4.64 mi
Time: 20:08
Avg Speed: 13.8 mph
Elevation Gain: 246 ft
Calories: 239 C
Avg Temperature: 99.0 °F

Time: 20:08
Moving Time: 19:59
Elapsed Time: 2:28:28

Avg Speed: 13.8 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 13.9 mph
Max Speed: 34.7 mph

Elevation Gain: 246 ft
Elevation Loss: 217 ft
Min Elevation: 558 ft
Max Elevation: 627 ft

Heart Rate
Avg HR: 124 bpm
Max HR: 168 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm

Avg Power: 202 W
Max Power: 831 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 84 W
Normalized Power (NP): 283 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 1.155
Training Stress Score (TSS): 43.7
FTP Setting: 245 W
Work: 245 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 72 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 102 rpm

Avg Temperature: 99.0 °F
Min Temperature: 86.0 °F
Max Temperature: 105.8 °F

Split Time Distance Avg Speed
Summary 20:08.3 4.64 13.8
1 9:03.5 1.92 12.7
2 11:04.9 2.72 14.7

90° Feels like 95°
9 mph ENE wind
Humidity 52%
Source: KDFW

Additional Information
Device: Garmin Edge 500,
Elevation Corrections: Disabled
Power Average Calculations: Use Zeros
Summary Data: Original

Sunday – Moar Miles

Phil, Glenn, Becky, Karl and I puttered up to Denton, had breakfast at Cartwright’s Ranch House on the square (very affordable), and came back. It’s tough to ride 2 days in a row, but there’s a Strava Challenge to meet!

Cartwright’s after food:

Lots of silly bike lean photos, some of which are online at:
41.5mi Distance
3:03:08 Moving Time
1,322ft Elevation (?)
66 Suffer Score
180W Weighted Avg Power
1,515kJ Total Work
174 Training Load
69% Intensity

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 1:02:34 34% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 1:46:14 58% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 13:45 8% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 35s 0% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 0s 0%

Power Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 142 W 1:36:10 53%
Z2 Endurance 143 – 194 W 30:53 17%
Z3 Tempo 195 – 233 W 17:15 10%
Z4 Threshold 234 – 271 W 11:35 6%
Z5 VO2Max 272 – 310 W 8:37 5%
Z6 Anaerobic 311 – 388 W 7:56 4%
Z7 Neuromuscular 389+ W 8:39 5%
Distance: 41.49 mi
Time: 3:00:06
Avg Speed: 13.8 mph
Elevation Gain: 1,322 ft
Calories: 1,612 C
Avg Temperature: 92.1 °F
Time: 3:00:06
Moving Time: 2:58:43
Elapsed Time: 5:10:02
Avg Speed: 13.8 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 13.9 mph
Max Speed: 26.9 mph
Elevation Gain: 1,322 ft
Elevation Loss: 1,325 ft
Min Elevation: 526 ft
Max Elevation: 670 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 116 bpm
Max HR: 162 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Power: 144 W
Max Power: 1,164 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 172 W
Normalized Power (NP): 212 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.817
Training Stress Score (TSS): 199.4
FTP Setting: 259 W
Work: 1,557 kJ
Avg Bike Cadence: 73 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 120 rpm
Avg Temperature: 92.1 °F
Min Temperature: 84.2 °F
Max Temperature: 107.6 °F
Feels like 84°
7 mph S wind
Humidity 70%

2014-08-09 DFW Ride Leaderless #2

SUMMARY: Becky borrowed Theresa’s spare helmet due to forgetting hers. Three of us were late. Karl met everyone on Ripy. Ben and I missed both the start and the late-roll times. Ben dropped after 18 miles of catch-up speed. The group lagged where possible, and despite me missing a turn, I joined the group at the Airfield DR bus-stop.


Steve helped with routing/navigating because I had no real clue. We dropped Becky off at Corporate and FM2499. We met Mark’s group at the end of Enzo’s, and refilled fluids/foods.


At Briarhill and FM407, I got a flat. Rather than hold everyone up EVEN MORE, I suggested they roll on. I was only a mile from home anyway. As they rolled, I found out they were going to TCBY, but I still headed home anyway. I was totally beat.

My split averages don’t seem that fast, but I had a lot of high speed during the chase. Also, the heat was really kicking my butt. Hard to keep enough salt. I was dizzy at the bus stop, and even after a pause, I never really caught a second wind.

I learned that if I offer a suggested route, that makes me the de-facto route master. I’m *not* a good navigator, mostly because I just don’t have the miles to have all of these places memorized.
52.5mi Distance
3:31:37 Moving Time
1,686ft Elevation (?)
225 Extreme Suffer Score
200W Weighted Avg Power
2,109kJ Total Work
237 Training Load
77% Intensity
Personal Records
City Trail Briarhill to 2499 (#13) – 2:31 – 20.2m/h (29.5 max) – 279W (max 674)
Grapevine Dam “DAMN” (#514) – 7:17 – 17.4m/h (27.5m/h max) – 247W ***
Dam South (#479) – 8:56 – 17.7m/h (27.5 max), 255W (774 max) ***
Texan Train Sprint to Shell Station (#203) – 16.2m/h (19.7 max) – 139W (429 max) ***
West DFW sprint (#294) – 19.3m/h (25.5 max) – 183W (607 max) ###
161 FR – Beltline to railroad overpass (#93) – 32.5m/h (38.5 max) – 175W (1082 max) $$$
*** I delayed on these for following rider(s)
### I was depleted here and having trouble
$$$ Karl got over 40mph here. Impressive!

Another interesting record, my 3rd best on this segment, “161 Toll Booth Sprint”. I averaged 25.2, peaked at 38mph, but I averaged 30 watts. Can we say downhill? :) This was only #168. #1 is 38.9mph. My current cassette stops at 12T on 50T front. My 9-speed is now 11T on 53T, but no power meter. We’ll see what I do there, but probably I’ll move my PM cranks over to the 9-speed until I can convert it to 10-speed.
Distance: 52.46 mi
Time: 3:28:01
Avg Speed: 15.1 mph
Elevation Gain: 1,686 ft
Calories: 3,182 C
Avg Temperature: 97.8 °F
Time: 3:28:01
Moving Time: 3:26:39
Elapsed Time: 5:09:19
Avg Speed: 15.1 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 15.2 mph
Max Speed: 38.7 mph
Elevation Gain: 1,686 ft
Elevation Loss: 1,713 ft
Min Elevation: 431 ft
Max Elevation: 617 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 154 bpm
Max HR: 182 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Power: 173 W
Max Power: 1,082 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 233 W
Normalized Power (NP): 227 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.875
Training Stress Score (TSS): 263.7
FTP Setting: 259 W
Work: 2,144 kJ
Avg Bike Cadence: 79 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 116 rpm
Avg Temperature: 97.8 °F
Min Temperature: 86.0 °F
Max Temperature: 111.2 °F
Temperature: 82°
Feels like: 86°
Wind: 9 mph SSW
Humidity: 66%

2014-08-02 Twisted Alliance Ride

Today’s ride was planned to be 70 miles.  Riders included Mike, Steve & Theresa, Jim and Kathy, Becky, Karl, Glenn, Amanda and me.  From Highland Village, we took Old Justin instead of Crawford Ranch, and ended up 15 mins and 5 miles behind schedule.  From Robson Ranch, we shimmied over to FM165 and took it down behind Alliance Airport, across to old-town Roanoke, with Lunch at Twisted Root.

Group Picture:

Bikes Leaning on Bikes:

Glenn was cramping up, so he sagged back with 50 miles logged.  The rest of us For the ride back, we took 377 instead of Dove/Grapevine for a faster return. Maladies for riders included a couple dropped chains, 1 slow tire leak, some leg cramps, and two people with lower GI issues.  BUT, no one needed new shorts, and everyone survived.

ps, The weather was very nice. It did warm up, but we had lots of cool breeze throughout the morning.

It was a pretty good ride, even if Sharon wasn’t with us. (See photoshopped evidence below!)
69.2mi Distance
4:32:26 Moving Time
2,635ft Elevation (?)
141 Tough Suffer Score
20 Points in the Red

201W Weighted Avg Power
2,638kJ Total Work
303 Training Load
78% Intensity

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 20:30 8% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 2:57:42 65% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 1:02:16 23% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 11:53 4% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 5s 0%

Power Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 - 142 W 2:01:20 45%
Z2 Endurance 143 - 194 W 45:33 17%
Z3 Tempo 195 - 233 W 29:22 11%
Z4 Threshold 234 - 271 W 23:50 9%
Z5 VO2Max 272 - 310 W 17:19 6%
Z6 Anaerobic 311 - 388 W 17:23 6%
Z7 Neuromuscular 389+ W 16:28 6%
Distance: 69.20 mi
Time: 4:30:45
Avg Speed: 15.3 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,635 ft
Calories: 2,984 C
Avg Temperature: 89.8 °F

Time: 4:30:45
Moving Time: 4:29:55
Elapsed Time: 6:21:50
Avg Speed: 15.3 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 15.4 mph
Max Speed: 33.2 mph

Elevation Gain: 2,635 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,621 ft
Min Elevation: 385 ft
Max Elevation: 698 ft

Avg HR: 130 bpm
Max HR: 176 bpm

Avg Power: 167 W
Max Power: 1,054 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 209 W
Normalized Power (NP): 227 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.878
Training Stress Score (TSS): 345.7
FTP Setting: 259 W
Work: 2,703 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 76 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 116 rpm

Avg Temperature: 89.8 °F
Min Temperature: 75.2 °F
Max Temperature: 102.2 °F
KDFW Temperature: 73°
Feels like: 73°
Wind: 7 mph NNE
Humidity: 83%

2014-07-29 Lewisville Music

Strava is broken as of sometime after lunchtime, so only uploading from Garmin. Our route map looks kind of like a slug, with eyestalks. Went to see the Kildares, but Lewisville moved it inside.  There was not enough seating, so after snacks, we went to DQ, then ended the ride.  Temps were cool, and partly cloudy.
Distance: 20.73 mi
Calories: 685 C

Time: 1:33:21
Moving Time: 1:32:36
Elapsed Time: 2:35:10
Avg Speed: 13.3 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 13.4 mph
Max Speed: 29.3 mph

Elevation Gain: 653 ft
Elevation Loss: 630 ft
Min Elevation: 503 ft
Max Elevation: 678 ft

Avg HR: 102 bpm
Max HR: 156 bpm

Avg Power: 143 W
Max Power: 1,102 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 140 W
Normalized Power (NP): 213 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.824
Training Stress Score (TSS): 104.7
FTP Setting: 259 W
Work: 795 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 71 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 121 rpm

Avg Temperature: 83.0 °F
Min Temperature: 80.6 °F
Max Temperature: 86.0 °F
Weather 82° – 0 mph N wind – Humidity 40%
A day later, some stats show up, but some places say my distance is zero.
There is still an error on the site about delays.

20.7mi Distance
1:33:57 Moving Time
653ft Elevation (?)
26 Suffer Score
178W Weighted Avg Power
743kJ Total Work
86 Training Load
69% Intensity

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 57:13 61% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 36:15 39% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 29s 1% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 0s 0% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 0s 0%

Power Zone Analysis
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 142 W 52:48 56%
Z2 Endurance 143 – 194 W 12:51 14%
Z3 Tempo 195 – 233 W 7:47 8%
Z4 Threshold 234 – 271 W 5:33 6%
Z5 VO2Max 272 – 310 W 3:54 4%
Z6 Anaerobic 311 – 388 W 5:16 6%
Z7 Neuromuscular 389+ W 5:38 6%

2014-07-26 Duncan Dehydrator 80mi

A great ride with Sharon’s group. Sharon is the navigator and planner. Charles is the Gofer/Dufer/Pilot/Moral Support and most of all, the Grasshopper Remover! :) Also along were Becky, Karl, Steve, Theresa and me.

I started off finding my own cadence which was quite a bit faster than the group; however, around mile 18 they all caught me. Around mile 27, I dropped my chain and wrapped it in the rear derailleur. Took me till the rest stop by the Waurika Dam Bridge Road to catch up. I was pooped.

It was hard to keep salt and calorie levels up. I like going faster downhill, and maybe a little slower uphill. Most of the others were the other way around. We’d usually have a gap of about 100 feet as a buffer, but sometimes I had to use brakes.

We stopped at 30, 50, and 60 mile rest-stops. 60 had flavored ice, and it was good. That helped a lot. I got my second wind and pulled ahead. Karl zoomed, and pulled for a while. I fell off the back, and was passed by Sharon. Karl gave her a run for her money. The rest of the group wasn’t far behind, relatively speaking. I think Sharon & Karl beat me by 3-4 mins, and the same for the rest of the group.

Becky’s been very tired, and wasn’t in the front for the last 15 miles. The tired PLUS the heat were too much. Around 15 miles, I opened a water bottle that was just ice, and dumped it into my shirt. That helped, but not as much as the snow-cone.

Steve and Theresa were a pretty steady, consistent pace. Steve pulled for quite a while too. Throughout the ride, we had several masses of riders join the double-paceline of the CCC group. Sometimes we were the minority of the group, but generally Karl and I… hrm… swept, and the others pulled. They got lots of thanks after the ride.

Overall, the ride had 624 bikers. If the Goatneck wasn’t the same day, it probably would have been bigger. Support was great. Lots of volunteers, perfect snacks, facilities, etc. The best part was use of showers, hot tub, and pool at the Duncan Rec center after! Also, the Chicken Spaghetti was good stuff. Everyone was nice and helpful too.

A++, would ride again.

For HH100, I need to get a long-sleeved sun shirt, stay on top of ride-week stretching, pre-load salt, and get better with rolling snacks. But really, the key is staying cool. At 11am, it was just getting bad, and eating shaved ice, or dousing with cold water was the only way to stay alive. ‎

Not sure what I think about the elevation. It’s about 1000ft higher than Karl’s. I used Baro, and he used iPhone 4S GPS. Both have issues. My + and – match, but who knows. We’ll see if other people post stats for comparison. 24 seconds ago

Also, if I’d thought more, I would have added a couple of miles on the end so I could get another Grand Fondo ride for the year. *sigh*
80.1mi Distance
4:37:40 Moving Time
2,671ft Elevation (?)
269 Epic Suffer Score
147 Points in the Red
219W Weighted Avg Power
3,306kJ Total Work
353 Training Load
85% Intensity

Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 4:08 1% Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 49:11 18% Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 2:16:25 49% Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 1:27:24 31% Z5 Anaerobic > 175 32s 0%

Power Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 142 W 1:03:18 23%
Z2 Endurance 143 – 194 W 1:00:03 22%
Z3 Tempo 195 – 233 W 56:43 20%
Z4 Threshold 234 – 271 W 37:52 14%
Z5 VO2Max 272 – 310 W 24:22 9%
Z6 Anaerobic 311 – 388 W 21:50 8%
Z7 Neuromuscular 389+ W 13:33 5%
Distance: 79.95 mi
Time: 4:37:42
Avg Speed: 17.3 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,671 ft
Calories: 4,327 C
Avg Temperature: 92.4 °F
Time: 4:37:42
Moving Time: 4:37:25
Elapsed Time: 5:20:43
Avg Speed: 17.3 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 17.3 mph
Max Speed: 37.8 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,671 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,690 ft
Min Elevation: 953 ft
Max Elevation: 1,208 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 151 bpm
Max HR: 177 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Power: 203 W
Max Power: 895 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 258 W
Normalized Power (NP): 237 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.915
Training Stress Score (TSS): 385.7
FTP Setting: 259 W
Work: 3,375 kJ
Avg Bike Cadence: 83 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 113 rpm
Avg Temperature: 92.4 °F
Min Temperature: 77.0 °F
Max Temperature: 111.2 °F
Feels like 73°
0 mph N wind
Humidity 89%

Shorter ride

The humidity was tough. Density altitude for Denton was around 3000′ today. Just enough to make everything burn. That, and Sharon was pushing full steam ahead.

On the flip side, 2 of our riders needed to SAG back early, so we didn’t go to Krum. Sharon, Karl and Becky probably got 65 miles, and I got around 48 miles.

I tried to push at max sustainable pace from Orchid Hill to home. That was around 272 watts, which matches my estimated FTP (functional threshold power), an a little higher than my NP (normalized power).

Shorter ride

Funny, the route map looks like a big lasso.
128 Tough Suffer Score
46 Points in the red
227W Weighted Avg Power
2,107kJ Total Work
218 Training Load
83% Intensity
9 personal records
8th overall “Bev’s to Fry Street”

Distance: 48.50 mi
Calories: 2,567 C

Time: 2:52:20
Moving Time: 2:51:46
Elapsed Time: 3:52:14

Avg Speed: 16.9 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 16.9 mph
Max Speed: 33.5 mph

Elevation Gain: 2,034 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,083 ft
Min Elevation: 503 ft
Max Elevation: 759 ft

Avg HR: 144 bpm
Max HR: 176 bpm

Avg Power: 209 W
Max Power: 963 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 229 W
Normalized Power (NP): 255 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.928
Training Stress Score (TSS): 245.9
FTP Setting: 275 W
Work: 2,157 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 81 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 118 rpm

Avg Temperature: 75.6 °F
Min Temperature: 71.6 °F
Max Temperature: 86.0 °F
Weather: 70°, 0 mph N wind, Humidity 83%

Peach Pedal 2014

Group ride in Weatherford, 61 miles from weatherford HS.

The first 20 miles went by REALLY fast. Lots of downhill. Several patches of sketchy gravel and silt by a bridge. Immediately following were tens of riders on race-weight tires, side of the road, replacing tubes. I’m thinking the 40 second saved by a fit, lean, low-weight rider using lighter tires is negated by spending 3-5 minutes replacing a tire.

Rest stops at 20,30,40 and 48 miles. Gatorade, water, pickle juice, pickles, cookies, rice crispy treats, brownies, bananas, oranges, and peaches were available, as well as shade, and a water hose. 400 volunteers in all and it was very much appreciated. So amazing. Really well supported.

Becky and I were off the front for a while. We paused at 20mi, but the crowd came, so we bolted. At 30, we loaded up on food and drinks. At 40, we stopped because I forgot to pee at 30. Snacks and more fluids, and off we go. We saw Sharon zoom by. She was hanging off the wheel of some of the Dallas Cowboys, and wasn’t looking back. We tried to catch up, but no joy. Becky got a 10 second lead on me, and it took me a couple miles to catch up. No way we were catching Sharon.

Through a few sections, a lady passed. Very good looking from all angles. Strong rider, neon jersey. Tried to keep up with her, but she was more of an 18+ rider than me. The only reason we were around eachother as much was because I had a shorter rest stop than her. I hung off her wheel for a few miles, but she laid into a climb and disappeared.

Near the end, the shorter routes merged into ours for a unified final run. Some really tired, or sketchy riders mixed in there, and a couple of collisions here or there. A few SAG trucks hauled off people who had non-fixable mechanical issues, and we did see one ambulance backtracking. Didn’t see any injuries, but I did see one stout and tall fellow standing over his bike, telling himself he would be fine. I didn’t see any injuries, red face, etc. so I kept rolling. Lots of support vehicles, police, etc around, so if he decided he wasn’t going to be okay, help was nearby.

Becky’s new phrase is “Suck it up, buttercup!” and she called that out at the end as she sprinted past me for the last 2 miles.

The Skratch HyperHydration mix REALLY helped a bunch, as did having so much ice in my pack. For 61 miles, it took 3.75 hours. Really good performance, and I attribute it to having so many better riders around me that I would forgetfully try to follow.

After the ride, the ladies really liked the Cryo booth, but I was just happy to have a shower after. No towel, but I made due. So nice to rinse and cool off.

I had a few little donkeys (burritos!) from Rosa’s Cafe, and some peaches, and lots of additional fluids. Tried some “homemade peach ice cream.” Well, it was home-made (ice crystals), and had some peach flavor, but I was hoping for something a little stronger, and/or a little smoother. Actually, a touch of vanilla would have rounded out the flavor nicely. Not bad, I just had too high expectations for the price (about $1 per ounce).

After heading out, Sharon’s crew checked out from their hotel, and went directly to the Parker County Peach Festival. Karl and I went to The Pizza Place and tried the Hamburger pizza first. The hamburger meat is actual, earl, not from a bag, so the flavor is much better. Small crumbles, quite tasty. 2 kinds of cheese. Crust is actually crusty. I wish I’d gotten bacon and double toppings on it, and had put the parm/oregano on it. Even so, it was very good, and Roger(?), the owner, was nice. I’d definitely eat there again.

The Peach Festival was okay, but by the time we got there, it was SO HOT. A few grouchies, and a few silly people, and a Matrix style lady in red passed by a couple of times. Aside from that, the peach cobbler was always sold out, but the peach julep was tasty. Most everything was busy, but we just all melted into death puddles, so it was time to go.

Travel there took me just over an hour (5:17 to 6:23am), and travel back was right at 1.5 hours (had to take 377 due to I35W traffic). All unpacked and glad to be home. Am a little caffeinated from mile 48 “6-hour energy” and the soft drinks I had with lunch, so I cleaned the kitchen after explaining every little detail to Erica, who was very patient with my rambles. We also need to have a date, just because, so that is to be planned. Probably Monday night or Tuesday day, since that’s payday.

Distance: 61.34 mi
Time: 3:30:25
Avg Speed: 17.5 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,298 ft
Calories: 3,051 C
Avg Temperature: 85.8 °F

Time: 3:30:25
Moving Time: 3:30:09
Elapsed Time: 4:02:02
Avg Speed: 17.5 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 17.5 mph
Max Speed: 36.9 mph

Elevation Gain: 2,298 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,305 ft
Min Elevation: 728 ft
Max Elevation: 1,083 ft

Avg HR: 152 bpm
Max HR: 177 bpm

Avg Power: 219 W
Max Power: 957 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 246 W
Normalized Power (NP): 259 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.908
Training Stress Score (TSS): 287.5
FTP Setting: 285 W
Work: 2,759 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 83 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 117 rpm

Avg Temperature: 85.8 °F
Min Temperature: 73.4 °F
Max Temperature: 98.6 °F

75mi Grand Prairie Ride

Meet-up at Cadence for the weekly long ride. Attendees included:
Theresa (invisible), Steve, Kathy, Amanda, Sharon, Becky, Karl, Jim, Josh (Me), Mike.

We rode down across the Grapevine Dam, through the airport, looped around the Grand Prairie race track, then up through Irving (including Las Colinas and Valley Ranch), and stopped for lunch at Hard 8 in Coppell.

On the way through Valley Ranch, Mike bonked pretty hard, and we were worried he wouldn’t make it to lunch. He’d been off the bike for a few weeks, a little short on sleep, etc. However, after a Cliff Bar, he magically came back to life. Tired, but powered through just fine.

Amanda had an indexing issue on the rear derailleur. At first we thought maybe a bent hanger, or bent RD, but on closer inspection it looked okay, and the chain seemed straight. 2 twists of the inline barrel mostly fixed it. It probably needs a little more, or maybe just zero out the cable and re-clamp it. She was tuckered out and sagged back to a bike shop for adjustments.

Karl dropped the chain off the inside of the cassette. No spoke damage, and easy fix. He stopped pedaling really quickly, so it didn’t wedge in behind the cassette. KARL! REMEMBER TO ADJUST YOUR LOW LIMIT STOP SCREW!

At a couple of pauses, I had to check email for work, but things went pretty well. My shoulders are sore. My hands are sore. Need new gloves, because I buy cheap, and my right hand is getting a blister. I remembered to go fairly salty on my beverages and food. Need to remember more tonight, so I don’t cramp up on the airplane ride tomorrow night.

After lunch, we took Freeport/Lakeside/Garden Ridge, and then the Flower Mound trails up, came down Briarhill, and back through to Cadence. From my house to the second Cadence stop was exactly 73 miles, so the actual loop was 70.85 miles. Wheel calibration should be within 1%. Some of the others rode from further, so they had as much as +9.

Lots of good conversation, rambles, and not enough sprinkles. The humidity, and the wind from the south was pretty brutal, but we survived. Overall, it was a great ride.

Watts are complete guesses. If Calories are correct (FirstBeat/Garmin), then I averaged 195W. If Strava is correct, then 145W. If my calculator is correct, then 551. Nothing really factored in wind. So ready to have a wattmeter.

I checked on my Easton wheels, and they do have a squeak/problem. It’s been 3 weeks, so I’m a little antsy. The plan is to ship them off late next week, and will probably get a factory replacement. I said I’d follow up in a couple of weeks. Wattmeter ordered 2014-06-09, so that would be the same time I would check to see if it’s in (3-6 weeks).
Distance: 75.17 mi
Calories: 3,894 C

Time: 4:58:30
Moving Time: 4:57:12
Elapsed Time: 6:58:48

Avg Speed: 15.1 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 15.2 mph
Max Speed: 33.9 mph

Elevation Gain: 2,717 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,713 ft
Min Elevation: 408 ft
Max Elevation: 654 ft

Avg HR: 147 bpm
Max HR: 181 bpm

Avg Bike Cadence: 78 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 124 rpm

Avg Temperature: 78.3 °F
Min Temperature: 70.6 °F
Max Temperature: 87.8 °F
Heart Rate stats (BPM):
00:00:32 Recovery (0 – 107 BPM)
00:02:05 Zone 1: Fat Burning (108 – 116 BPM)
00:43:56 Zone 2: Basic Endurance (117 – 134 BPM)
01:37:25 Zone 3: Aerobic Endurance (135 – 147 BPM)
01:54:49 Zone 4: Road Race (148 – 160 BPM)
00:35:25 Zone 5: Speed Training (161 – 169 BPM)
00:04:13 Zone 6: Anaerobic Sprints (170 – 181 BPM)

181 Peak 5 Seconds
180 Peak 10 Seconds
180 Peak 12 Seconds
180 Peak 20 Seconds
179 Peak 30 Seconds
175 Peak 60 Seconds
170 Peak 2 Minutes
163 Peak 5 Minutes
163 Peak 6 Minutes
161 Peak 10 Minutes
160 Peak 12 Minutes
156 Peak 20 Minutes
155 Peak 30 Minutes
152 Peak 60 Minutes
151 Peak 90 Minutes

Speed Stats (mph)
00:03:59 Garmin: Climb4 1.00 – 4.00 mph
00:12:48 Garmin: Climb 3 4.00 – 8.00 mph
00:34:08 Garmin: Climb 2 8.00 – 12.0 mph
01:59:12 Garmin: Climb 1 12.0 – 16.0 mph
01:44:14 Garmin: Flat 3 16.0 – 20.0 mph
00:20:24 Garmin: Flat 2 20.0 – 24.0 mph
00:03:16 Garmin: Flat 1 24.0 – 27.9 mph
00:00:15 Garmin: Descent 27.9 – 31.9 mph
00:00:08 Garmin: Sprint 31.9 – 36.0 mph
00:00:00 Garmin: Max 36.0 – 60.0 mph

33.6 Peak 5 Seconds
32.8 Peak 10 Seconds
32.4 Peak 12 Seconds
30.9 Peak 20 Seconds
28.9 Peak 30 Seconds
25.3 Peak 60 Seconds
24.1 Peak 2 Minutes
20.7 Peak 5 Minutes
20.5 Peak 6 Minutes
19.5 Peak 10 Minutes
18.9 Peak 12 Minutes
18.6 Peak 20 Minutes
17.8 Peak 30 Minutes
16.7 Peak 60 Minutes
16.3 Peak 90 Minutes


Summary: I need way more salt while biking. Food and electrolyte drinks are not enough. I probably need 2 grams per hour. Must remember to add salt at food stops.

Narrative: I’ve always liked salt, and my BP has been on par with my activity levels. It’s amazing I did not realize I sweat out more salt than average.

Research showed about a gram of salt per litre of sweat on average. I just stuck with that, but it was not enough.

I tend to cramp up pretty badly after long rides, and even though I have electrolyte drinks, or food, even salty things. Mostly I focus on calories though, since mid-ride dropout is more of an issue than cramps duringbthe ride.

Well, yesterday, first cramp sucked, so I added a big pinch of salt to ride with butter. Three servings, and I finally got to the point if it tasting a little too salty.

Muscles sore, but no cramps in 20 hours.

I had ham today, and still want movie popcorn.