Sharon was ill, so a few of us rode from the duck pond.
Karl, Kathy, Jim, Becky, Darrell and I.
Was a pretty easy pace other than a couple hill sprints for fun.
We stopped at the Wal-Mart grocery-only at 2499 and 3040,
and stopped at the Farmer’s Market at I35 and Garden Ridge.
I’m missing a chunk from Wal-Mart until almost to LakeSide.
We were going to check out the Loozvil parade, but we were early.
Overcast for much of the ride was welcome.
40.9mi Distance
2:41:51 Moving Time
1,562ft Elevation (?)
81 Suffer Score
12 Points in the Red
207W Weighted Avg Power
1,464kJ Total Work
210 Training Load
84% Intensity
Avg Max
Speed 15.2mi/h 32.9mi/h
Heart Rate 129bpm 176bpm
Cadence 73 110
Power 151W 861W
Calories 1,633
Temperature 86℉
Elapsed Time 3:48:38
Device: Garmin Edge 500
Bike: Carbon
Heart Rate Analysis
Z1 Endurance < 106 11:42 7%
Z2 Moderate 106 - 141 1:53:31 70%
Z3 Tempo 141 - 158 29:26 18%
Z4 Threshold 158 - 175 7:03 4%
Z5 Anaerobic > 175 9s 0%
Zone Distribution
Z1 Active Recovery 1 – 134 W 1:18:34 49%
Z2 Endurance 135 – 183 W 21:35 13%
Z3 Tempo 184 – 220 W 15:36 10%
Z4 Threshold 221 – 257 W 11:44 7%
Z5 VO2Max 258 – 294 W 8:26 5%
Z6 Anaerobic 295 – 367 W 11:37 7%
Z7 Neuromuscular 368+ W 13:56 9%
Distance: 40.87 mi
Time: 2:41:12
Avg Speed: 15.2 mph
Elevation Gain: 1,562 ft
Calories: 1,776 C
Avg Temperature: 87.3 °F
Time: 2:41:12
Moving Time: 2:40:37
Elapsed Time: 3:48:43
Avg Speed: 15.2 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 15.3 mph
Max Speed: 33.2 mph
Elevation Gain: 1,562 ft
Elevation Loss: 1,572 ft
Min Elevation: 475 ft
Max Elevation: 710 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 129 bpm
Max HR: 176 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Power: 160 W
Max Power: 861 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 187 W
Normalized Power (NP): 244 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.995
Training Stress Score (TSS): 264.5
FTP Setting: 245 W
Work: 1,538 kJ
Avg Bike Cadence: 73 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 120 rpm
Avg Temperature: 87.3 °F
Min Temperature: 80.6 °F
Max Temperature: 102.2 °F
Split Time Distance Avg Speed
Summary 2:41:11.6 40.87 15.2
1 13:04.8 3.50 16.1
2 12:28.4 3.50 16.8
3 13:18.4 3.50 15.8
4 14:47.3 3.50 14.2
5 13:48.9 3.50 15.2
6 13:02.0 3.50 16.1
7 14:23.6 3.50 14.6
8 12:19.7 3.50 17.0
9 12:55.5 3.50 16.2
10 15:35.1 3.50 13.5
11 15:10.1 3.50 13.8
12 10:17.8 2.37 13.8
77° Feels like 77°
3 mph S wind
Humidity 83%
Source: KDFW
Additional Information
Device: Garmin Edge 500,
Elevation Corrections: Disabled
Power Average Calculations: Use Zeros
Summary Data: Original