This changes periodically, but for today, here is what I would do.
My PowerHA selection process would be:
* 7.1.3 SP06 if I needed to deploy quickly, because I have build docs for that.
* 7.1.4 doesn’t exist, but if it came out before deployment, I would consider it. Whichever was a newer release, latest 7.1.3 SP, or latest 7.1.4 SP.
* 7.2.0 SP03 if they wanted longer support, but had time for me to work up the new procedures during the install.
* 7.2.1 SP01 if SP01 came out before I deployed, and had chosen 7.2.0 prior. base is available, but that’s from Dec 2016, and is from May 2017. Newer by date is better.
My AIX selection process would be:
* Any NIM server would be AIX 7.2, latest TLSP.
* Any application support limits would win down to AIX 6.1, plus latest TLSP.
* For POWER9, I would push 7.2, latest TLSP.
* For POWER8, I would push 7.1 or later. — latest TLSP
* For POWER7, I would push 6.1 or later. — latest TLSP
* For POWER6 or older, or AIX 5.3 or older, I would push strongly against due to support and parts limitations.
Code sources:
* I would make sure to install yum from ezinstall, and deploy GNU tar and rsync:
* I would update openssh from the IBM Web Download expansion:
* If any exposure to the public net, or a high-sensitivity system, I would check AIX security patches also.;O=D
* I would get the latest service pack for both AIX and PowerHA from Fix Central:
* Base media, if I were certain the customer was entitled, but didn’t want to wait for them to provide media, Partnerworld SWAC:
Reference: PowerHA to AIX Support Matrix: