Spinal Health

My critical stretches are:
* Calf stretch just because it reduces referred pain on hamstring stretches, and because I tore a gastroc once.
* Hammies get a hurdler stretch or similar. Tight hammies are big, bad back things, and a major problem for me.
* IT bands get a figure-four, or a leg over stretch to help reduce piriformis syndrome.

Others I enjoy when remembered:
* Pidgeon pose gets adductors AND IT bands a little, because I cannot really do the splits. This is mostly for 2 days after a long bike ride.
* Quad stretch, usually just grab my foot behind me and get as much stretch as I can. This is more for my knees than anything.

Core strength I need more of:
* Planks in all 4 directions also help core. Front plank can be replaced with pushups if form is good. Modified planks/pushups as necessary to prevent strain.
* Rows, whether off a doorframe, or a table, or with proper equipment, are important. However, a year post-op, and I’m still not really comfortable with twisting under load. I do one arm at a time, and keep my shoulders square. YMMV.
* Walking / hiking are great for core if it’s more than a few minutes, and more than just on a track or treadmill.

Aerobic/Calorie Burn
* Road bikes are low impact, but the bending is not always best.
* Spin bikes are easy to sit upright and get comfy, while burning calories, but the class matters a bunch.
* Some people run, but if your heel hits the ground, it just hammers your spine.
* Swimming, if that’s your thing. More of an upper-body thing.
* NOTE: Stretching after a good warm-up will be much more effective. Also, a good warm-up will break down some of the tight strands the same as stretching, just smaller amounts per step/stroke/whatever. Also, if I don’t stretch after a long bike ride, everything goes bad faster.

Other Stuff
* There are other body stretches I should do, but I don’t suffer when I don’t do them. The /r/bodyweightfiness has good enough reference that I mostly ditched all of the other lists, charts, and PT printouts for it. http://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine.compact
* Aspirin for NSAID since my family has a history of clots, and Ibuprofen/Naproxen increase clot risks when used long-term.
* Hot Tubs/showers are awesome for relaxing muscles, preventing cramps, etc.
* Extra salt when I exercise, because I’m a salty guy. Seriously. I cramp up if I don’t get enough, and this could be 1-2 grams of salt per liter of water consumed, depending on the temperature outside.

2014-07-13 Recovery Ride

Just a short jaunt around town to stretch my legs.  I was feeling stiff and tight.  I tried not to push too hard, but on the last couple of miles I pushed a little bit. 

Also, I decided to stop updating MapMyRide, Runkeeper, Endomondo, and Training Peaks. None of those buy me anything, and it’s just extra effort to update them. TP will update itself from Garmin, but Garmin now also uses Peaksware stats. MMR is only useful if I’m tracking diet too, since Strava Mapping is getting better. Runkeeper doesn’t let me name workouts, is missing the analysis I like, and overall has almost no social aspect. Endomondo has a couple of neat stats, but uploading is very flaky.

My stats will just be Garmin (automatic), Strava (posting), and TrainingPeaks (as pulled from Garmin). I might even pay for Strava, but I’m not sure. We’ll see how the Garmin stats progress.

Distance: 5.87 mi
Time: 25:40
Avg Speed: 13.7 mph
Elevation Gain: 220 ft
Calories: 316 C
Avg Temperature: 97.5 °F
Time: 25:40
Moving Time: 25:14
Elapsed Time: 30:37
Avg Speed: 13.7 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 14.0 mph
Max Speed: 31.4 mph
Elevation Gain: 220 ft
Elevation Loss: 240 ft
Min Elevation: 530 ft
Max Elevation: 623 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 130 bpm
Max HR: 159 bpm
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Power: 209 W
Max Power: 902 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 176 W
Normalized Power (NP): 248 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.87
Training Stress Score (TSS): 31.6
FTP Setting: 285 W
Work: 321 kJ
Avg Bike Cadence: 77 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 105 rpm
Avg Temperature: 97.5 °F
Min Temperature: 89.6 °F
Max Temperature: 100.4 °F
