IT42905 TSM / Spectrum Protect SSL cert expiration

TSM 7.1.8 / Spectrum Protect 8.1.2 and later create SSL certs with a 10 year expiration.

IBM reference:

The fix is:

Delete the instance keystore (cert.kdb)
Set all clients, admins, servers to SESSIONSECURITY=TRANSITIONAL
HALT the server and restart it – this will make a NEW key.
FORCESYNC for server connections.
Delete the client keystore (dsmcert.idx)
Restart the client and make sure it connects for the new key.

If you don’t wipe the client keystore:

ANS1695E The certificate is not valid.
ANS8023E Unable to establish session with server.
ANS8002I Highest return code was -370.

From the actlog/SERVER_CONSOLE

ANR8599W The connection with someserver:port failed due to an untrusted server certificate. An attempt to reconnect and establish certificate trust might follow.

IBM is considering automating this.

There is no automation yet as of in 2023-03, and once the key expires, you’re stuck doing it manually.
You may be able to use DEFINE CLIENTACTION to delete the keystores on the clients if you use dsmcad.

SW/FS/SVC Volume Mobility

SAN Volume Controller / Storwize / Flash System version 8.4.2 allows you to non-disruptively migrate a LUN between array controller clusters. It’s set up like remote copy, except you can map the remote copy to the same host at the same time. The remote copy becomes non-preferred paths for the same vdisk and vdisk ID. Then you can switch who is primary. Then you can remove the old copy.

Here is someone who did a demo video:

NetApp vs IBM terminology

NetApp is really vague about terminology translation, but a traditional RAID is called a volume group, and a distributed RAID is called a disk pool.

IBM calls both “managed disks”, and just referrs to them as RAID/TRAID vs DRAID.

The group of these is called an aggregate in OnTap, or a managed disk group in Spectrum Virtualize.

The next layer is a volume in NetApp, or a child pool (optional) in IBM.

NetApp then lets you share a volume via NFS or CIFS, or create a LUN which is really just a well aligned file in a volume. IBM calls them virtual disks, but does not offer NFS/internally.

IBM offers SONAS (Scale Out NAS) which can take LUNs from SVC and share them out. SONAS was called V7000 Unified at one point, but now the storage is unbundled. It uses General Parallel File System (GPFS aka Multi Media File System), Cluster System Manager, and a few other tried and true technologies under the covers giving a lot of options for expansion, but also a cost.

TSM SP Remove ReplServer

Every 5.5 minutes, this shows up in the actlog

08/13/20 08:05:25 ANR1663E Open Server: Server OLDSERVER not defined
08/13/20 08:05:25 ANR1651E Server information for OLDSERVER is not available.
08/13/20 08:05:25 ANR4377E Session failure, target server OLDSERVER is not defined on the source server.
08/13/20 08:05:25 ANR1663E Open Server: Server OLDSERVER not defined
08/13/20 08:05:25 ANR1651E Server information for OLDSERVER is not available.
08/13/20 08:05:25 ANR4377E Session failure, target server OLDSERVER is not defined on the source server.
08/13/20 08:05:26 ANR1663E Open Server: Server OLDSERVER not defined
08/13/20 08:05:26 ANR1651E Server information for OLDSERVER is not available.
08/13/20 08:05:26 ANR4377E Session failure, target server OLDSERVER is not defined on the source server.
08/13/20 08:05:28 ANR1663E Open Server: Server OLDSERVER not defined
08/13/20 08:05:28 ANR1651E Server information for OLDSERVER is not available.
08/13/20 08:05:28 ANR4377E Session failure, target server OLDSERVER is not defined on the source server.

REMOVE REPLSERVER (GUID) to cause the errors to stop.

SVC, StorWize, FlashSystem, Spectrum Virtualize – replace a drive

When you replace a drive on one of these, mdisk arrays do not auto-rebuild.

If the GUI fix procedures go away, or never show up, or whatever causes the replacement drive to not get included as a new drive in the mdisk, you can do this manually.


First, look for the candidate or spare drive you want to use.

lsdrive | grep -v member


Then, make sure that drive ID is a candidate:

chdrive -use candidate 72


Then, find the missing member:

lsarraymember mdisk1 | grep -v exact


Then, set the new drive to use that missing member ID:

charraymember -member 31 -newdrive 72 mdisk1


You can watch the progress of the rebuild:

lsarraymemberprogress mdisk1

Gathering HACMP Info

Often, when working with a cluster, you might want to rebuild it from scratch, rather than take the time to figure out what is broken. Here are some commands to gather basic info for AIX and email it to yourself. Obviously, change the email address at the end.

echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' OS Level
echo '#########################' 
oslevel -s
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' HA Level
echo '#########################' 
halevel -s
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' System Info
echo '#########################' 
lsattr -El sys0
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Exports
echo '#########################' 
cat /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/exports
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' System Exports
echo '#########################' 
cat /etc/exports
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Physical Volumes
echo '#########################' 
lspv -u
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster UD
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Heartbeat
echo '#########################' 
lscluster -d
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Status
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Dump
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Services
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster App Monitors
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Resource Group Variables
echo '#########################' 
for i in `/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsgrp` ; do echo '###################' $i ; /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsres -g $i ; done
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Resource Group Details
echo '#########################' 
for i in `/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsgrp` ; do echo '###################' $i ; /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clshowres -g $i ; done
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Cluster Interfaces
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Network Interfaces
echo '#########################' 
ifconfig -a
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Rhosts
echo '#########################' 
cat /.rhosts
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' root rhosts
echo '#########################' 
cat /root/.rhosts
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' cluster rhosts
echo '#########################' 
cat /etc/cluster/rhosts
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' New custer rhosts
echo '#########################' 
cat /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Net monitor IPs
echo '#########################' 
cat /usr/es/sbin/cluster/
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' File Collections
echo '#########################' 
odmget HACMPfilecollection
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Collection Files
echo '#########################' 
odmget HACMPfcfile
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Free Major Numbers
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Example commands for VG Imports
echo '#########################' 
for VG in `lsvg |egrep -v 'rootvg|caavg'`; do 
  echo `getlvodm -d $VG` `lspv | grep $VG | tr -s [:space:] | sort -k 2 | head -1` \
  | awk '{print "importvg -V" , $1 , "-y " , $4 , " " , $3 ; } ; ' ; done | sort
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Volume Groups
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Volume Group Details
echo '#########################' 
lsvg | xargs -n1 lsvg
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Logical Volumes
echo '#########################' 
lsvg | xargs -n1 lsvg -l
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Logical Volume Details
echo '#########################' 
lsvg | xargs -n1 lsvg -l | grep / | cut -f 1 -d \  | xargs -n1 lslv
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Filesystems
echo '#########################' 
df -Pg
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Mounts
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Tunables from last boot
echo '#########################' 
cat /etc/tunables/lastboot
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Device settings
echo '#########################' 
for i in `lsdev | egrep '^en|hdisk|fcs|fscsi' | cut -f1 -d\  ` ; do echo '#####################' $i ; lsattr -El $i ; done | egrep -v 'False$'
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' Crontab entries
echo '#########################' 
crontab -l
echo '#########################' 
echo '#########################' snmp config
echo '#########################' 
cat /etc/snmpdv3.conf
echo '#########################' END END END
) 2>&1 | mail -vs `hostname`

IBM SVC / Storwize DRP – Still a no-go

IBM released “Data Reduction Pools” for their SAN Volume Controller, which includes Storwize, FlashSystem etc products back in early 2018. The internal flag for it is “deduplication”, but it can be used for thin, compressed, or deduplicated volumes. You can put thick volumes in them too, but that is more of a “block off this space” thing.

DRP is a “log structured device”, meaning it is random read, but always sequential write. When you enable DRP, it inserts into the high cache (front-end cache). Because of this, it adds 3-4ms of latency right off the bat. Some of the higher end controllers can reduce that to 2-3ms, but it never goes away. Also, this affects ALL storage pools (mdisk groups), not just the ones built with DRP enabled. IBM product engineering says this is not a defect. It’s just they way it is, because you have to twiddle the data on the CPU.

In late 2018, I found one of their code defects, which has been resolved; however, that defect highlighted a troubling design choice. DRP is a whole-cluster thing, not a whole I/O group thing, nor a whole pool thing. That means, if you trigger a defect that kills DRP for one pool, it will kill DRP for every pool. If you’re in a hyperswap or stretched cluster, and something happens (future defect maybe) to take one site’s DRP offline while the nodes are still live, then that could take out BOTH sites.

This year, I found out that their sizing partner, “Intellimagic”, does not understand DRP. When a “Disk Magic” report comes out, it can recommend DRP. It cannot tell how much cache affects things, so it just recommends maximum cache. It cannot tell how much DRP affects things, so it cannot recommend against it for latency sensitive workloads. The IBM technical sales team is trying to work around this by simply recommending the next model up when DRP is to be used.

However, that is not enough. DRP garbage collection is VERY heavy handed. There is no way to throttle it. It’s a log structured array, so when you re-write a block on a LUN, the old block gets invalidated, then the old chunk gets read, then new data is packed in, then it’s written to the end of the array. This is sequential for each major section of the pool, and it has additional latency added by the code. We found that a normal system of 25% writes would be suppressed by 80% in DRP. Latency during normal operations would fluctuate from 6 to 18, and that’s to the client. Any major I/O operations on the client (big rewrites, or big block freeing), or any vdisk (LUN) deletions would cause latency to fluctuate from 16-85ms (completely unusable).

Once DRP is enabled, it affects the whole system. You cannot turn it off for a pool. You have to delete that pool. You cannot migrate a vdisk out of nor into a DRP, you have to mirror to a new pool, then delete or split the old copy. Funny thing is, that’s just what a migrate does at all but the lowest levels. It’s been 2 years, that really should have been folded into the standard commands by now.

Once you have everything split, and all of the hosts are running on the new, non-DRP enabled pool, that is not enough. All of the performance problems will still be there. It is only once you delete the old pool that performance returns to normal. Since vdisk deletions take several hours each, and running more than 4 at a time causes severe, deadly latency, it’s best to just verify nothing is in use and force-delete the whole DRP-enabled pool. Risky, but otherwise, you could spend weeks deleting the old LUNs by hand due to how slow they clear.

The sales materials, technical whitebooks, and the gritty redbooks all recommend DRP as the best thing ever. Staff and books shy away from highlighting any of these limitations. Other products handle deduplication without this sort of negative impact, but here, even with no deduplication in use, just the OPTION of using dedupe, it causes the system to be unusable.

Maybe there will be a “fix” or a “rewrite”, but I’ve been burned hard, with severe customer satisfaction, over two years. This negatively impacts trust, and is not the only IBM storage product causing me trust issues.

I expect that this is the fallout from Ginny Rometty’s command, “Don’t try to protect the past”. IBM’s vision is stated as “Cloud, Data, and Watson”. It will be interesting to see exactly how that translates into a future structure. IBM has been divesting a lot of pieces lately. Rometty ran services, and that’s what she knows as Chair and CEO. Anything she sees as a commodity, or low margin will be spun off. (IBM seems to need at least a 6:1 revenue to cost in order to operate. There are a lot of layers.) I’m starting to wonder if Storage and POWER will be sold off to Lenovo. I see hints, but no roadmaps, nothing concrete.


AIX geeks, converting from SDDPCM to AIXPCM, when you uninstall the drivers, you also need to uninstall host attachment. On 2% of our migrations, mksysb/alt clones would fail to find the boot disk (554). devices.sddpcm.*

Note that from SVC 7.6.1, AIX 6.1.8, AIX 7.1.3, and AIX 7.2, you MAY switch to AIXPCM. On POWER9 and later, you MUST switch to AIXPCM.

The rm script is from storage development, but the manage_disk_drivers command is from AIX dev. Either is okay, but tge AIX one does not require making a PMR.

Best reference:


AIX geeks, converting from SDDPCM to AIXPCM, when you uninstall the drivers, you also need to uninstall host attachment. On 2% of our migrations, mksysb/alt clones would fail to find the boot disk (554). devices.sddpcm.*

Note that from SVC 7.6.1, AIX 6.1.8, AIX 7.1.3, and AIX 7.2, you MAY switch to AIXPCM. On POWER9 and later, you MUST switch to AIXPCM.

The rm script is from storage development, but the manage_disk_drivers command is from AIX dev. Either is okay, but tge AIX one does not require making a PMR.

Best reference:

IBM PCIe3 Ethernet Decoder

Some modern Ethernet adapter decoder wheel information.

PCIe2 4-Port (10GbE SFP+ & 1GbE RJ45) Adapter
PCIe2 4-Port Adapter (10GbE SFP+) (e4148a1614109304)
PCIe2 4-Port Adapter (1GbE RJ45) (e4148a1614109404)
FRU Number.................. 00E2715
Customer Card ID Number..... 2CC3
Part Number................. 00E2719
Feature Code/Marketing ID... EN0S or EN0T
Make/Model: Broadcom NetXtreme II 10Gb
Code Name: Shiner

PCIe3 10GbE RoCE Converged Host Bus Adapter (b31507101410eb04)
RoCE Converged Network Adapter
2-Port 10GbE RoCE SR PCIe 3.0
Part Number................. 00RX871
FRU Number.................. 00RX875
Feature Code/Marketing ID... EC2M / EC2N / EC37 / EC38 / EL3X / EL40
Customer Card ID Number..... 57BE
Make/Model: Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro / Gen 3.0 x8 10GbE
Code Name: Core

PCIe3 4-Port 10GbE SR Adapter (df1020e21410e304)
PCIe3 4-port 10GbE SR Adapter, NIC PF
Part Number................. 00ND462 or 00ND464 or 00ND468 or 00RX863
Feature Code/Marketing ID... EN15 or EN16
Customer Card ID Number..... 2CE3
Make/Model: Emulex OneConnect NIC (Lancer) (rev 30)

I believe the 4-port 1gbit PCI cards are Intel.

Emulex, Brocade, and Broadcom are all owned by the same company as of 2016. Currently known as “Broadcom, Inc.”, the parent was formerly Avago, formerly Agilent, and formerly the semiconductor division of HP.