Shorter ride

The humidity was tough. Density altitude for Denton was around 3000′ today. Just enough to make everything burn. That, and Sharon was pushing full steam ahead.

On the flip side, 2 of our riders needed to SAG back early, so we didn’t go to Krum. Sharon, Karl and Becky probably got 65 miles, and I got around 48 miles.

I tried to push at max sustainable pace from Orchid Hill to home. That was around 272 watts, which matches my estimated FTP (functional threshold power), an a little higher than my NP (normalized power).

Shorter ride

Funny, the route map looks like a big lasso.
128 Tough Suffer Score
46 Points in the red
227W Weighted Avg Power
2,107kJ Total Work
218 Training Load
83% Intensity
9 personal records
8th overall “Bev’s to Fry Street”

Distance: 48.50 mi
Calories: 2,567 C

Time: 2:52:20
Moving Time: 2:51:46
Elapsed Time: 3:52:14

Avg Speed: 16.9 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 16.9 mph
Max Speed: 33.5 mph

Elevation Gain: 2,034 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,083 ft
Min Elevation: 503 ft
Max Elevation: 759 ft

Avg HR: 144 bpm
Max HR: 176 bpm

Avg Power: 209 W
Max Power: 963 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 229 W
Normalized Power (NP): 255 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.928
Training Stress Score (TSS): 245.9
FTP Setting: 275 W
Work: 2,157 kJ

Avg Bike Cadence: 81 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 118 rpm

Avg Temperature: 75.6 °F
Min Temperature: 71.6 °F
Max Temperature: 86.0 °F
Weather: 70°, 0 mph N wind, Humidity 83%