To be updated with resolution at some point.
This is the second time a secondary VIO server has hung with a UIO_WRITE in the kernel log
The VIO servers have only been up 55 days.
Number R12 hung about a week and a half ago, but no dump was collected.
Number R22 hung this morning, and a dump was collected.
I couldn’t find anything juicy (see below), but I did find that E11 had lost its second internal boot disk.
I was able to reset that with chpv, but I’m wondering if there’s something going on with the SAS controllers.
Also, these have network hangs intermittenly, and sometimes vtmenu times out.
I’m wondering if there’s some sort of power issue with the site.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: DUMP_STATS IDENTIFIER: 67145A39 Date/Time: Mon Oct 19 09:19:49 EDT 2015 Sequence Number: 367 Class: S Type: UNKN WPAR: Global Resource Name: SYSDUMP Description SYSTEM DUMP Probable Causes UNEXPECTED SYSTEM HALT User Causes SYSTEM DUMP REQUESTED BY USER Recommended Actions PERFORM PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES Failure Causes UNEXPECTED SYSTEM HALT Recommended Actions PERFORM PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES Detail Data DUMP DEVICE /dev/lg_dumplv1 DUMP SIZE 1108637696 TIME Mon Oct 19 08:54:43 2015 DUMP TYPE (1 = PRIMARY, 2 = SECONDARY) 1 DUMP STATUS 0 ERROR CODE 0000 0000 0000 0000 DUMP INTEGRITY after uncompressing FILE NAME PROCESSOR ID 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: MINIDUMP_LOG IDENTIFIER: F48137AC Date/Time: Mon Oct 19 09:19:15 EDT 2015 Sequence Number: 366 Class: O Type: UNKN WPAR: Global Resource Name: minidump Description COMPRESSED MINIMAL DUMP Probable Causes System dumped. Minimal Dump collected in Non-Volatile Memory. Recommended Actions PERFORM PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES Detail Data Minidump Data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ate/Time: Mon Oct 19 09:19:15 EDT 2015 Sequence Number: 365 Class: S Type: TEMP WPAR: Global Resource Name: SYSPROC Description SYSTEM RESET INTERRUPT RECEIVED Probable Causes SYSTEM RESET INTERRUPT Detail Data KEY MODE SWITCH POSITION AT BOOT TIME normal KEY MODE SWITCH POSITION CURRENTLY normal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: ERRLOG_ON IDENTIFIER: 9DBCFDEE Date/Time: Mon Oct 19 09:20:41 EDT 2015 Sequence Number: 364 Class: O Type: TEMP WPAR: Global Resource Name: errdemon Description ERROR LOGGING TURNED ON Probable Causes ERRDEMON STARTED AUTOMATICALLY User Causes /USR/LIB/ERRDEMON COMMAND Recommended Actions NONE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: CONSOLE IDENTIFIER: 7F88E76D Date/Time: Mon Oct 19 08:54:09 EDT 2015 Sequence Number: 363 Class: S Type: PERM WPAR: Global Resource Name: console Description SOFTWARE PROGRAM ERROR Probable Causes SOFTWARE PROGRAM Failure Causes SOFTWARE PROGRAM Recommended Actions REVIEW DETAILED DATA Detail Data USER'S PROCESS ID: 7536648 DETECTING MODULE conwrite FAILING MODULE UIO_WRITE RETURN CODE 6 ERROR CODE 0
We gathered a snap -ac for IBM, and while waiting, I did a quick look in the dump.
cd /tmp/ibmsupt/dump chfs -a size=+4G /tmp uncompress unix.Z dmpuncompress dump.BZ kdb dump unix kdb dump unix dump mapped from @ 700000000000000 to @ 7000000df1867b6 START END0000000000001000 0000000004150000 start+000FD8 F00000002FF47600 F00000002FFDF9C8 __ublock+000000 000000002FF22FF4 000000002FF22FF8 environ+000000 000000002FF22FF8 000000002FF22FFC errno+000000 F1000F0A00000000 F1000F0A10000000 pvproc+000000 F1000F0A10000000 F1000F0A18000000 pvthread+000000 Dump analysis on CHRP_SMP_PCI POWER_PC POWER_7 machine with 16 available CPU(s) (64-bit registers) Processing symbol table... .......................done read vscsi_scsi_ptrs OK, ptr = 0x0 vmcKdb_anchor_p=0x0000000000000000 vmc kdb command extension, 64 bit version, is loaded. Commands are: vmc - load extension and show help text vmcu - unload extension vmcd - VMC dump anchor, adapter, connections vmcfa - VMC fetch anchor from symbol table vmcsa address - VMC set anchor vmcdb - VMC dump connection buffers vmcdm - VMC dump connection messages vmcdq - VMC dump queue vmct directoryname - VMC Internal Adapter trace vmctbm directoryname - VMC buffer and message trace vmcKdb_anchor_p=0x0000000000000000 ### The time the crash was forced (0)> dw time time+000000: 00000000 5624E813 F1000A00 20295000 ....V$...... )P. ### Basic stats on the system (0)> stat SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION: CHRP_SMP_PCI POWER_PC POWER_7 machine with 16 available CPU(s) (64-bit registers) SYSTEM STATUS: sysname... AIX nodename.. viopr22 release... 1 version... 6 build date May 4 2015 build time 12:52:42 label..... 1516D_61d machine... REDACTED nid....... REDACTED time of crash: Mon Oct 19 08:54:43 2015 age of system: 55 day, 6 hr., 19 min., 15 sec. xmalloc debug: enabled FRRs active... 0 FRRs started.. 0 ### Process table (0)> status CPU INTR TID TSLOT PID PSLOT PROC_NAME 0 20005 2 20004 2 wait 1 190033 25 F001E 15 wait 2 1A0035 26 100020 16 wait 3 1B0037 27 110022 17 wait 4 1C0039 28 120024 18 wait 5 1D003B 29 130026 19 wait 6 1E003D 30 140028 20 wait 7 1F003F 31 15002A 21 wait 8 210043 33 16002C 22 wait 9 220045 34 17002E 23 wait 10 230047 35 180030 24 wait 11 240049 36 190032 25 wait 12 25004B 37 1A0034 26 wait 13 26004D 38 1B0036 27 wait 14 27004F 39 1C0038 28 wait 15 280051 40 1D003A 29 wait 16-31 Disabled ### Stack trace (0)> set 18 18 trace_back_lookup true (0)> where pvthread+000200 STACK: [0009BFA8].h_cede+000014 () [0007BEF0]waitproc+000510 () [0020A4B0]procentry+000010 (??, ??, ??, ??) [kdb_read_mem] no real storage @ FFFFFFFFFFF8C90 ### Error Report entries still in ram (0)> errpt ERRORS NOT READ BY ERRDEMON (ORDERED CHRONOLOGICALLY): Error Record: erec_flags .............. 1 erec_len ................ 60 erec_timestamp .......... 5624E813 erec_rec_len ............ 3C erec_cid ................ 0 erec_dupcount ........... 0 erec_duptime1 ........... 5624E811 erec_duptime2 ........... 5624E813 erec_rec.error_id ....... 7F88E76D erec_rec.resource_name .. console 00000000 00730008 636F6E77 72697465 .....s..conwrite 00325549 4F5F5752 49544500 00000006 .2UIO_WRITE..... 00000000 00000000 ........ Error Record: erec_flags .............. 1 erec_len ................ 48 erec_timestamp .......... 5624E813 erec_rec_len ............ 24 erec_cid ................ 0 erec_dupcount ........... 0 erec_duptime1 ........... 0 erec_duptime2 ........... 0 erec_rec.error_id ....... 1104AA28 erec_rec.resource_name .. SYSPROC 6E6F726D 616C0000 6E6F726D 616C0000 normal..normal.. ### VMM Error entries still in ram (0)> dw vmmerrlog 9 vmmerrlog+000000: 00000000 53595356 4D4D2000 00000000 ....SYSVMM ..... vmmerrlog+000010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ vmmerrlog+000020: 00000000 .... ### Program errors in memeory (0)> dw prog_log 8 expected symbol or address ### Memory status - notice bad pages is also 4GB. ### I think this is memory_max, because free pgsp blocks is high. (0)> vmker VMM Kernel Data: (use [-dr | -seg | -lrul | -psize | -pvl | -skey | -ras] for specific info) eye catch (eyec) : 766D6B6572564D4D total page frames (nrpages) : 00200000 bad page frames (badpages) : 00100000 good page frames (goodpages) : 00100000 ipl page frames (iplpages) : 00180000 total pgsp blks (numpsblks) : 00100000 free pgsp blks (psfreeblks) : 000E5C42 rsvd pgsp blks (psrsvdblks) : 00001000 max file pageout (maxpout) : 00002001 min file pageout (minpout) : 00001000 repage table size (rptsize) : 00010000 next free in rpt (rptfree) : 00000000 repage decay rate (rpdecay) : 0000005A global repage cnt (sysrepage) : 00000000 swhashmask (swhashmask) : 000FFFFF cachealign (cachealign) : 00001000 overflows (overflows) : 004627C2 reloads (reloads) : 0056DDCC alias hash mask (ahashmask) : 00007FFF max pgs to delete (pd_npages) : 00001000 vrld xlate hits (vrldhits) : 00000001 vrld xlate misses (vrldmisses) : 0000079F pgsp bufst waits (psbufwaitcnt): 0078C9C6 fsys bufst waits (fsbufwaitcnt): 000008B4 rsys bufst waits(rfsbufwaitcnt): 00000490 xpager bufst waits(xpagerbufwaitcnt): 00000636 phys_mem(s) (phys_mem[0]) : 00280000 phys_mem(s) (phys_mem[1]) : FFFFFFFF phys_mem(s) (phys_mem[2]) : 00000000 THRPGIO buf wait (_waitcnt) : 00000000 THRPGIO partial cnt (_partialcnt): 00000000 THRPGIO full cnt (_fullcnt) : 00000000 num lgpg\'s added (nlgpgadded) : 00000000 num lgpg\'s free\'d (nlgpgfreed) : 00000000 # frd lgp prepal (nlgpgfreedini) : 00000000 num cow mappings (cow_pages)) : FFFFFFFFFFFF21E6 num cow page-ins (cow_pgins)) : 066ADE1A nosib pg-copies (npgcopies_nosib): 00025331 mmap alias reload (mmap_areload) : 00000000 mmap soft alias r (mmap_areload2): 00000000 AME exp. mem size (ame_mem_npgs) : 00000000 AME max mem sz (ame_maxmem_npgs): 00000000 AME mem exp factor (ame_factor) : 00000000 AME sys mem view(ame_sys_memview): 01 klock pf rsvdblks(klk_pfrb_pct): 000001F4 LSA ESID alloctor (lsa_esid_alloc): 0000 LSA 1tb sh thresh (lsa_sh_alias_th): 000C LSA 1tb unsh thresh (lsa_unsh_alias_th): 0100 INVALID_HANDLE (inval_vmh): FFFFF080 ### Dynamic reconfig says we've had memory removed. (0)> vmker -dr VMM DR Related Data: max page frames.......... 000000200000 frames on ipl............ 000000180000 current frames........... 000000100000 # bad frames............. 000000100000 DR mem adds.................. 00000001 DR mem removes............... 00000017 DR rsvd mem adds............. 00000000 DR rsvd mem remove........... 00000000 DR lmb reaff ................ 00000000 DR lmb reaff failed.......... 00000000 DR miss reloads ena.......... 00000002 DR miss reloads dis.......... 00000006 DR mig refcntmiss............ 00000000 DR migrate trans............. 00000000 DR mark trans............. 00000000 DR v_look migr miss.......... 00000000 DR total migrates............ 000F1F30 DR fixlmb migrates........... 00000010 DR serv migrates............. 0000173E DR lwmig DMA mapper.......... 00000000 MPSS broken migs............. 000006F8 MPSS brk mig errs............ 00000000 MPSS chunk migs.............. 000007CC MPSS chunk migerrs........... 00000000 DR vmpool adds............... 00000000 DR vmpool removes............ 00000000 current maxvmpool............ 00000001 DR lpgvmp adds............... 00000000 DR lpgvmp remsoves........... 00000000 DR mempool adds.............. 00000000 DR mempool removes........... 00000000 DR memory moves.............. 00000000 DR memp rebal calls.......... 00000011 DR memp transients........... 00000000 Calls to alloclmb............ 00000000 Calls to freelmb............. 00000000 num lgpg\'s added............. 00000000 num lgpg\'s free\'d............ 00000000 ### We've had 6 failed page creates. Is this important? (0)> vmker -pvl pvlist overflows (pvl_ovflows) : 00002CC5 (00000005 per group) failed page create (pvl_grow_fail): 00000006 successful page create (pvl_grow_succ): 00000007 failed page create (hard) (pvl_hard_fail): 00000000 successful page create (hard)(pvl_hard_succ): 00000000 successful page free (pvl_shrink) : 00000000 skipped grows because no PAL (pvl_nopal) : 00000025 # entries per group on boot (pvl_bootavgpg): 00000008 PVLIST kproc thread id (pvl_tid) : 00080011 Start of PVLIST array (pvl_first) : F200800020000000 Current end of PVLIST array (pvl_last) : F200800020200000 Maximum PVLIST eaddr + 1 : F200800024000000 Current number of PVLIST entries : 00020000 Max number of PVLIST entries (pvl_maxels) : 00400000 Average length of free list (pvl_avgfree) : 00000000 eaddr to use for RMLMB fail (pvl_pinaddr) : F10013A650000000 PVLIST lock (pvl_lock) : 00000000 ### Memory shows we have low free, high pinned. (0)> memstat Pageable Memory Status Total pageable frames: 00000F74B0 3.9GB ----- 4K pageable frames: 0000013DB0 317.7MB 8.0% total pageable 64K pageable frames: 000000E370 3.6GB 91.9% total pageable Total free frames: 0000001636 22.2MB 0.5% total pageable 4K free frames: 0000000746 7.3MB 2.2% 4K pageable 64K free frames: 00000000EF 14.9MB 0.4% 64K pageable Total nrsvd frames: 0000000000 0.0MB 0.0% total pageable 4K nrsvd frames: 0000000000 0.0MB 0.0% 4K pageable Total comp frames: 00000F51DA 3.8GB 99.1% total pageable Total perm frames: 0000000B40 11.3MB 0.2% total lruable 4K perm frames: 0000000B40 11.3MB 3.6% 4K lruable Total lruable frames: 00000F5880 3.8GB ----- 4K lruable frames: 0000013810 312.1MB 7.9% total lruable 64K lruable frames: 000000E207 3.5GB 92.0% total lruable Total pinned frames: 00000C47FF 3.1GB 79.4% total pageable 4K pinned frames: 000000FE4F 254.3MB 80.0% 4K pageable 64K pinned frames: 000000B49B 2.8GB 79.4% 64K pageable Total pinnable remaining: 0000001568 21.4MB 0.5% total pageable 4K pinnable remaining: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 0.0TB 0.0% 4K pageable 64K pinnable remaining: 0000000159 21.6MB 0.5% 64K pageable !!! 4K free frames less than minfree. !!! Total perm frames below minperm. *** 4K perm frames within 5% of minperm. !!! 4K pinned frames within 5% of maxpin. !!! 64K pinned frames within 5% of maxpin. !!! 4K free frames less than psm_minfree_thresh. *** 64K free frames between psm_maxfree_thresh and psm_minfree thresh. !!! 4K page size above psm_maxpin limit. !!! 64K page size above psm_maxpin limit. ### There's nothing waiting on paging. (0)> th -w WMEM (0)> th -w WPGIN (0)> th -w WPGOUT (0)> th -w WFREEF ### No pending I/Os (0)> pdt * SLOT NEXTIO DEVICE DMSRVAL IOCNT OLDIO vmmary_pdt+000000 0000 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 paging vmmary_pdt+007400 0080 FFFFFFFF 02BE5D40 00000000 00000000 00000000 remote vmmary_pdt+0074E8 0081 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000009 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+0075D0 0082 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000008 83802E080 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+0076B8 0083 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000005 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+0077A0 0084 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+007888 0085 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+007970 0086 FFFFFFFF 8000000A0000000B 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+007A58 0087 FFFFFFFF 8000000A0000000A 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+007B40 0088 FFFFFFFF 8000000A0000000C 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+007C28 0089 FFFFFFFF 8000000A00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client vmmary_pdt+007D10 008A FFFFFFFF 8000002D00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 local client ### No locks (0)> lq BUCKET HEAD COUNT (0)> dla No deadlock found