Spectrum Protect (TSM) Operations Center on Ubuntu LTS

Per IBM, the Spectrum Protect server is supported on Ubuntu LTS 14, 16, 18, and 20 (aka 2014.04, 2016.04, etc.) 


However, Operations Center (web GUI) is not supported on Ubuntu, only RHEL and SLES.


./install.sh -c
Validating package prerequisites...
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Update> Prerequisites
Validation results:
* [ERROR] IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center 8.1.12000.20210326_0723 contains validation errors.
1. ERROR: The operating system on which you are installing the product is not supported. For more information, see http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21243309.

Enter the number of the error or warning message above to view more details.

To skipp the OS and platform checks, and convert the ERROR into WARNING:

./install.sh -c -vmargs "-DBYPASS_TSM_REQ_CHECKS=true"
Validation results:
* [WARNING] IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center 8.1.12000.20210326_0723 contains validation warning.
1. WARNING: The operating system on which you are installing the product is not supported. For more information, see http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21243309.

Enter the number of the error or warning message above to view more details.

I recommend ONLY install/update Operations Center with this, and then exit and go back in normally to make sure the other filesets validate okay.

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