ANR2568E Request for node (node) to start schedule (name) at (date) is denied.


ANR2568E Request for node (node) to start schedule (name) at (date) is denied.



This happens when two or more schedulers are connecting as the same node.  One node starts work on a schedule, and the others are denied.




Check the client node for two or more “dsmcad” and “dsmc sched” processes with the same (or no) config file listed.

Kill the oldest duplicates.


If no duplicates are on the client, then search the activity log to see if this client is connecting with multiple IP addresses or hostnames.

If so, find out which client should not be running the scheduler, and kill them on that host.


This may require coordination with the UNIX team in cases of cluster failovers.

This may require investigation of start scripts in cases where the same client chronically has duplicates.



Typically, a human will restart a scheduler, but fail to kill the original.

Sometimes, a start/stop script on a host fails to stop the prior instance.

In some cases, multiple start scripts fire on system boot.


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