With AIX PCM, we no longer have pcmpath or datapath.
Most of the info you’d want for disks is from lsmpio or lspath.
For some adapter queries, you’re stuck. Here is a simulated output generator.
This is not super efficient, but it’s on par with the kind of things many AIX scripts do.
pcmpath_query() { printf "%-8s %8s %15s %6s %6s %6s\n" Adapter Status Selects Errors Paths Failed for fscsi in $(lsdev -C | grep fscsi | cut -f 1 -d \ ) ; do enabled=$(lspath -p $fscsi | grep Enabled | wc -l) failed=$(lspath -p $fscsi | grep -v Enabled | wc -l) if [[ $(( $enabled + $failed )) -eq 0 ]] ; then status=UNUSED ; elif [[ $failed -eq 0 ]] ; then status=NORMAL elif [[ $enabled -eq 0 ]]; then status=FAILED else status=DEGRADED; fi fcs=$(lsdev -CFparent -l $fscsi) selects=$(fcstat $fcs | grep Requests | tr -d \ | cut -f 2 -d : | paste -sd+ - | bc) errors=$(lsmpio -ae | grep -p $fscsi | grep Total | tr -d \ | cut -f 2 -d : ) paths=$(lsmpio -ar | grep -p $fscsi | grep 0x | wc -l) failed=$(lsmpio -ar | grep -p fscsi0 | grep 0x | awk '{print $3 "\n" $4 "\n" $5;}' | paste -sd+ - | bc) printf "%-8s %8s %15s %6s %6s %6s\n" $fscsi $status $selects $errors $paths $failed done }