In the past, I set up TSM.PWD as root, but this seems to not be what I needed.
I’m posting because the error messages and IBM docs don’t cover this.
tsmdbmgr.log shows:
ANS2119I An invalid replication server address return code rc value = 2 was received from the server.
TSM Activity log shows:
ANR2983E Database backup terminated due to environment or setup issue related to DSMI_DIR – DB2 sqlcode -2033 sqlerrmc 168. (SESSION: 1, PROCESS: 9)
db2diag.log shows:
2014-02-26- E415619A371 LEVEL: Error
PID : 15138852 TID : 1 PROC : db2vend
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
HOSTNAME: tsmserver
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluvint, probe:321
DATA #1 : TSM RC, PD_DB2_TYPE_TSM_RC, 4 bytes
TSM RC=0x000000A8=168 — see TSM API Reference for meaning.
EDUID : 38753 EDUNAME: db2med.35926.0 (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluMapVend2MediaRCWithLog, probe:656
DATA #1 : String, 134 bytes
Vendor error: rc = 11 returned from function sqluvint.
Return_code structure from vendor library /tsm/tsminst1/sqllib/adsm/libtsm.a:
DATA #2 : Hexdump, 48 bytes
0x0A00030462F0C4D0 : 0000 00A8 3332 3120 3136 3800 0000 0000 ….321 168…..
0x0A00030462F0C4E0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 …………….
0x0A00030462F0C4F0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 …………….
EDUID : 38753 EDUNAME: db2med.35926.0 (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluMapVend2MediaRCWithLog, probe:696
MESSAGE : Error in vendor support code at line: 321 rc: 168
RC 168 per dsmrc.h means:
#define DSM_RC_NO_PASS_FILE 168 /* password file needed and user is
not root */
Verified everything required for this:
• passworddir points to the right directory
• DSMI_DIR points to the right directory
• dsmtca runs okay
• dsmapipw runs okay
Verified hostname info was correct
dsmffdc.log shows:
[ FFDC_GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR ]: (rdbdb.c:4200) GetOtherLogsUsageInfo failed, rc=2813, archLogDir = /tsm/arch.
Checked, and the log directory inside dsmserv.opt was typoed as /tsm/arch instead of /tsm/arc as was used to create the instance and as exists on the filesystems.
Updated dsmserv.opt and restarted tsm server. No change other than fixing Q LOG
The TSM.PWD file must be owned by the instance user, not by root.
Make sure to run the dsmapipw as the instance user, or chown the file after.