IBM Links

Cloned from April 11, 2012, at 08:22 PM. Approximately 651,383 pageloads since September 22, 2003.

This site is NOT an official site. This site is not owned, sponsored, or supported by IBM in any way. It’s primarily a list of links into the various IBM related web sites that have useful information (most of which are IBM’s own sites). The content contained on this site should be used at your own risk. The content of the sites linked to and from this site are the responsibility of those site owners only.

* [ IBM Employee Directory] – Look up the contact information about most IBM Employees.
* [ IBM BC & System x Reference (xRef)] – The xRef ocument provides detailed server technical information (aka Dodson Sheets).
* [ IBM Config Tools: COG] – HTML and PDF document that details server configuration. It contains config info about IBM® products and supported options.
* [ IBM Hardware Configurator (Web)] – Configure multi-product systems with one racked server or one chassis (for purchase from IBM Direct)
* [ IBM Config, install, & planning support] – List of resources to aid in selecting, installing, and configuring IBM System x servers.
* [ IBM Worldwide Support Directory] – IBM Directory of worldwide support contacts.
* [ IBM Support Notifications] – Configure proactive notifications of updates to your IBM products.
* [ IBM Systems Forums] – IBM forums created for use by customers, to assist other customers, and answer each others questions.
* [ IBM DS3000/5000 Series Portal] – DS3000/5000 DS series Portal.-}
* [ IBM Customer Support Plan (CSP): Worldwide] – Document that details IBM support process. Do a search to see them all.
* [ IBM ServerProven: Home page] – IBM ServerProven program to determined supported environments.
* [ IBM New Support Portal for System x & BladeCenter] – Starting point for most System x & BladeCenter downloads and support information.
* [ IBM Support for System x – Fix Central] – If skipping above `portal` to directly find and download fixes.

NOTE: You need an IBM ID for Fix Central, so don’t wait for an emergency, ensure you have an ID (try `support notifications` above)

* [ IBM System x Tools Center] – Resource for many System x technical information, tools, and instructions.
* [ IBM UpdateXpress Matrix] – Tool to update drivers and firmware on System x servers.
* [ IBM DSA download matrix] – A system information collection and analysis tool used to aid in the diagnosis of system problems.
* [ IBM Director] – : downloads
* [ IBM Director: Web Portal] – IBM Systems Director Web Portal homepage.
* [ Single Warranty Lookup]
* [ Multiple Warranty Status Lookup] – Used to determine authorized service levels, warranty start, and expiration dates. Requires IBM ID
* [ IBM ServicePac: Technical Support] – Provides unlimited eletronic and phone hardware and software support for your solution.
* [ IBM ServicePac: Warranty] – Provides upgraded in-warranty and post-warranty repair service upgrades.
* [ IBM ITSO: Redbooks: System x] – Solution oriented technical documents.
* [] – Site with xSeries tips, documentation, and reference materials.
* [] – News, links and tutorials for IBM System x, IBM Director and Remote Deployment Manager.
* [] – Official Visio stencils for IBM System x, p5, i, and z, BladeCenter, and TotalStorage.


===Products: General===
* [ IBM PureSystems] – Expert Integrated Systems, (x86 and Power)
* [ IBM Product guide on iPhone]
* [ IBM Mobile web site] – Mobile web optimized version of the IBM web site
* [ IBM Employee Directory] – Lookup the contact information about (nearly) any IBM Employee.
* [ IBM My IBM Site] – Sign up for automatic customized notification of sales and marketing related information based on your profile.
* [ IBM Logo Merchandise Store] – Purchase IBM logo items like shirts, jackets, golf gear, and other items with an IBM logo on them.
* [ IBM Offering Information] – Site that lists all IBM product offerings.
* [ IBM Announcements: Search] – Site for all IBM announcement letters – Search.
* [ IBM Announcements: Recent] – Site for all IBM announcement letters – Most recent.
* [ IBM Tivoli iSource news and info] – IBM Tivoli iSource information source.
* [ IBM Systems advisor tool] – The Systems advisor can identify the best products that can help meet your business needs.
* [ IBM Avocent KVM Solutions] – Information on the Avocent KVM solutions sold and supported by IBM.
* [ IBM Recorded Demonstation Portfolio] – The best way to understand IBM systems is to see them in action. Mostly demos of IBM Director Plugins.
* [ IBM PartnerWorld] – A comprehensive marketing and enablement program providing many benefits for all IBM Business Partners. Need Auth

===Products: BC & System x tools===
* [ IBM System x Power Calculator] – Discover the energy savings a System x server and BladeCenter can bring to your business.
* [ IBM BC & System x Reference (xRef)] – The xRef ocument provides detailed server technical information (aka Dodson Sheets).
* [ IBM Config Tools] – Provides links to configuration tools and guides.
* [ IBM Config Tools: COG] – HTML and PDF document that details server configuration. It contains config info about IBM® products and supported options.
* [ IBM Config Tools: SSCT] – Build server and rack configurations. Supposed to replace SCA Spreadsheet Tool and Rack Configurator.
* [ IBM Hardware Configurator (Web)] – Configure multi-product systems with one racked server or one chassis.
* [ Product Advisor Tool for System x] – Synchronized catalog app that provides up-to-date prices, tech specs and compatibility information online and offline.
* [ IBMTom’s Hardware video collection] – Some great overviews of IBM systems vs competition

===Products: BladeCenter===
* [ IBM BladeCenter Global Homepage] – IBM BladeCenter Home Page.
* [ 03/08/12 new HS23 includes chassis power cooling etc.]
* [*USEN%9d%9d1%9d%9dappname=STG_BC_USEN_SP%9d%9d1%9d%9dadditional=summary%9d%9d1%9d%9dcontents=keeponlit IBM BladeCenter Literature] – IBM BladeCenter Literature.
* [ IBM BladeCenter Videos] – new 01/15/12
* [ IBM BladeCenter Virtual Tour] – IBM BladeCenter Virtual Tour – Flash based tour.
* [ IBM BladeCenter Advantages] – Learn how IBM’s BladeCenter solutions provide distinct advantages over Dell and HP’s blade systems.
* [ IBM BladeCenter Benchmarks] – IBM BladeCenter performance and benchmarking site.
* [ community] – Developer community focused on accelerating the development and adoption of open blade server platforms.
* [ IBM BladeCenter vs HP BS power] – Developer community focused on accelerating the development and adoption of open blade server platforms.

===Products: System x===
* [ IBM System x Global Homepage] – IBM System x Global Home Page.
* [ IBM System x Literature] – IBM Systemx, xSeries, Intellistation, and BladeCenter Literature.
* [ IBM XDA Competitive Videos] – IBM Videos that compare System x to the competition.
* [ IBM Config, install, & planning support] – List of resources to aid in selecting, installing, and configuring IBM System x servers.
* [ IBM System x Benchmarks] – IBM System x performance and benchmarking site.

===Products: System p===
* [ IBM System p Global Homepage] – IBM System p Global Home Page.

===Products: System i===
* [ IBM System i Global Homepage] – IBM System i Global Home Page.
* [ IBM System i with BC & System x] – System i® integration allows integration and management of Windows or Linux in i5/OS environment
* [ IBM System i integration video] – Overview video that shows the features and benefits of integrating System i with BladeCenter and System x.
* [ IBM System i Workload Estimator (WLE)] – Web-based application used to estimate the workload a system is capable of servicing.
* [ IBM System i Software KB] – System i® related software information including OS and application information.

===Products: System z===
* [ IBM System z Global Homepage] – IBM System z Global Home Page.
* [ IBM System z Find & Compare (FACT)] – Web tool for selecting System i and System z thatt compares them, estimates pricing, and shows upgrade paths.

===Products: Storage===
* [ IBM Storage Global Homepage] – IBM Storage Global Home Page.
* [*GBEN&appname=STG_TS_GBEN_SPSN&additional=summary&contents=keeponlit IBM System Storage Literature] – Literature is a quick way to remember the IBM Storage offerings.
* [ IBM System Storage Home Page] – Home page for all IBM System Storage offerings

===Products: Racks & related===
* [ IBM Rack Planning Guide]


===Support: General===
* [ IBM US Support Directory] – Find local contact and support information for United States.
* [ IBM Worldwide Support Directory] – IBM Directory of worldwide support contacts.
* [ IBM Support (US: 800-IBM-SERV)] – IBM list of support phone numbers for various brands.
* [ IBM Support Notifications] – Configure proactive notifications of updates to your IBM products.
* [ IBM Forums and communities] – IBM support listing of forums and communities for the various platforms.
* [ IBM Forums] – IBM forums created for use by customers, to assist other customers, and answer each others questions.
* [ IBM Forums: IBM BladeCenter] – IBM forum dedicated to BladeCenter.
* [ IBM Forums: IBM Director] – IBM forum dedicated to IBM Director.
* [ IBM Forums: IBM System x] – IBM forum dedicated to System x servers.
* [ IBM Forums: IBM Director SDK] – IBM forum dedicated to IBM Director’s SDK.
IBM services that allow IBM hardware platforms to automatically contact IBM service when a failure occurs.
This is now a function incorporated in Systems Director
* [ Open an Electronic Service Call] – ESC+ allows customers to enter, then track all their support cases worldwide in one tool free of charge.

===Support: BC & System x===
* [ IBM Support site: Search] – Allows you to search the entire System x and BladeCenter support site.
* [ IBM Support Portal] – Replaces all `fastpath` and such entries (Crossed off below)
* [ IBM Customer Support Plan (CSP): Worldwide] – Document that details IBM support process. Do a search to see them all.
* [ IBM BC & System x: Troubleshoot topic] – Additional method for troubleshooting issues – by Topic.
* [ IBM Problem Determination and Service Guide Index] – Index of Hardware Manuals for the x-series servers.
* [ IBM CRU service parts movies] – View the parts installation and removal movies for customer replaceable parts

===Support: ServerProven===
* [ IBM ServerProven: Home page] – IBM ServerProven program to determined supported environments.
* [ IBM ServerProven: BladeCenter] – IBM ServerProven shows certified and supported hardware, OS, and Software Environments.
* [ IBM ServerProven: Intellistation] – IBM ServerProven shows certified and supported hardware, OS, and Software Environments.
* [ IBM ServerProven: OpenPower] – IBM ServerProven shows certified and supported hardware, OS, and Software Environments.
* [ IBM ServerProven: System x] – IBM ServerProven shows certified and supported hardware, ActivePCI, OS, and Software Environments.

===Support: BladeCenter===
* [ IBM Support for BladeCenter] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.
* [ IBM BC Interoperability] – Quick reference tool that outlines interoperability of BladeCenter components
* [ IBM BC support quick guide] – Quick Guide to IBM BladeCenter Support (Hosted with permission from IBM).
* [ IBM BC Deployment Guide] – Guide to the steps necessary to successfully deploy IBM blades in the IBM® eServer BladeCenter.
* [ IBM BC Interoperability Guide] – Guide BladeCenter Interoperability information. It assembles data from other published IBM tools.
* [ IBM BC SAN Boot: IBM] – Official documentation on booting IBM BladeCenter blades from a SAN.
* [ IBM BC SAN Boot: Emulex] – Emulex Whitepaper: Enabling Emulex Boot from SAN on IBM BladeCenter
* [ IBM BC SAN Boot: Netapp] – Netapp Whitepaper: Booting IBM BladeCenter from Network Appliance FCP SAN Attached Storage
* [ IBM BC SAN Boot: IBM] – IBM Whitepaper: SAN Boot with IBM DS3400 and QLogic/Emulex Host Bus Adapters on IBM
* [ IBM BC SAS Boot System] – IBM Whitepaper: SAN Boot with IBM DS3400 and QLogic/Emulex Host Bus Adapters on IBM
* [ IBM BC BNT switch Support] – BNT and Nortal switch for BladeCenter documentation
* [ BladeCenter Product Publications Quick Reference]

===Support: System x===
* [ IBM Support for System x] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.
* [ IBM Publications for System x] – Starting point for most System x publications information.
* [ IBM Support for Intellistation] – Starting point for most Intellistation downloads and support information.

===Support: System p===
* [ IBM Support for System p] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.

===Support: System i===
* [ IBM Support for System i] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.

===Support: System z===
* [ IBM Support for System z] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.

===Support: System Storage===
* [ IBM Support for System Storage] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.

===Support: Management software===
* [ IBM Support for Systems Management software] – Starting point for most platform downloads and support information.

===Software: BC & System x tools===
* [ IBM ToolsCenter web portal] – Collection of server management tools to help manage your IBM System x and BladeServer environment
* [ IBM ServerGuide download] – IBM’s System x and BladeCenter OS installation tool.
* [ IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit] – Used for scripting configurations and installations.
* [ IBM UpdateXpress Matrix] – Tool to update drivers and firmware on System x servers.
* [ IBM UpdateXpress Server] – Tool to centralized drivers and firmware downloads.
* [ IBM UpdateXpress Automation] – Automating System Firmware Updates with RemoteUX and UpdateXpress version 3.02A White Paper.
* [ IBM UpdateXpress Update Drivers] – Upgrading UpdateXpress CD device drivers with UXLive Packages White Paper.
* [ IBM DSA download matrix] – A system information collection and analysis tool used to aid in the diagnosis of system problems.
* [ IBM Tools: IBM Tapetool] – Utilities, drivers, guides, manuals, and firmware for drives, libraries, and autoloaders.
* [ IBM Tools: Hard Drive Update] – Contains hard disk drive firmware updates for systems with specific SCSI hard disk drives.
* [ IBM ToolsCenter: BC & System x] – Tools for configuration and deployment, health monitoring, manage updates, and remote troubleshooting.
* [ IBM Mgmt Processor CLI (MPCLI)] – Command line tool for configuring the management processors.
* [ IBM Systems Update for SMS] – Simplifies deployment of firmware, software, and drivers when using Microsoft SMS.
* [ IBM Service Console Utility] – Provides a quick way to capture hardware diagnostic (BMC) logs stored in NVRAM of your server.
* [ IBM Adv. Settings Utility (ASU)] – Allows setting of firmware settings while the OS is running.
* [ IBM Adv. Settings Utility (ASU) v3.x] – Allows setting of firmware settings while the OS is running.
* [ IBM Windows security for aMM] – Snap-in tool to configure roles on an Active Directory server and to associate users/groups and AMMs to those roles.

===Software: IBM Director===
* [ IBM Systems Mgmt Homepage] – Homepage for all System x related information including Director and all related plug-in tools.
* [ IBM Systems Mgmt Troubleshooting] – Systems management troubleshooting guide.
* [ IBM Director: Download] – Lists all Director related downloads.
* [ IBM Director: Download matrix] – Lists all Director related downloads.
* [ IBM Director: Documentation] – An outstanding overview of the various tools and resources available for IBM Director.
* [ IBM Director: Web Portal] – IBM Director 5.xx homepage.
* [ IBM Director: Online Demo] – Flash Presentation of IBM Director 5.xx.
* [ IBM Director: Director 6.1 Technical Paper] – Downloadable product brief of IBM Systems Director 6.xx.
* [ IBM Director: Publications] – Documentation and technical information for IBM Director.
* [ IBM Director: Support Tools] – Provides several Director tools including popup configuration tool and Dirclean (see bottom of the page).
* [ IBM Director: Extension Compatibility] – Shows the compatibility of the various IBM Director extensions for each supported platform.
* [ IBM Director: Virtualization Mgr] – Discover, visualize, and manage physical and virtual systems from VMware, Microsoft, and Xen.
* [ IBM Director: Power Executive] – Power Executive Application Tool. Displays power-consumption info about BladeCenter chassis and modules.
* [ IBM Director: ESA] – Electronic Service Agent (ESA) helps Director to automatically contact IBM support when a PFA or failure occurs. May also run stand-alone
* [ IBM Director: PowerChute integration] – Integrates Director with APC (and IBM branded) UPS’s (‘Management Platform Integration’).
* [ IBM Director: Software Dist Premium] – Allows distribution of almost any file package to nearly any file Director agent.
* [ IBM Director: Remote Deploymnt Mgr (RDM)] – Allows distribution and automated customization of server, desktop, and laptop OS’s
* [ IBM Director: RDM Software Delivery] – IBM Remote Deployment Manager (RDM) Flash Tour.
* [ IBM Director: LifeKeeper Suite] – Provides high availability systems management protection by proving IBM Director Server redundancy.

===Software: IBM Tivoli===
* [ Migrate HP OV NNM to Tivoli Netcool®] – Whitepaper on how to migrate from HP OpenView NNM to Tivoli Netcool®

Parts, service, and services information

===Services: Parts===
* [ IBM service parts installation movies] – Select your system to view the parts installation and removal movies.
* [ IBM FRU information] – IBM Field Replacable Units (Fru) parts information.
* [ IBM Boulder parts: 1-800-388-7080] – Boulder parts center – Order IBM parts.
* [ IBM Options Continuation Program] – Information on purchasing options no longer marketed by IBM.
* [ IBM Parts documents by family] – System x Option and FRU’s by server. Useful for finding parts by server rather than model.

===Services: Services===
* [ IBM Warranty Status Lookup] – Used to determine authorized service levels, warranty start, and expiration dates.
* [ IBM Lab Services] – IBM xSeries Lab Serices Offerings. Implementation and training services.
* [ IBM Global Services: IT Services] – A list of services, case studies, executive reports, news and more.
* [ IBM Supportline: Annual Contract] – Supportline: Annual contract supported products list.
* [ IBM ServicePac: Technical Support] – Provides unlimited eletronic and phone hardware and software support for your solution.
* [ IBM ServicePac: Warranty] – Provides upgraded in-warranty and post-warranty repair service upgrades.
* [ IBM ServicePac for Essential Support for System x and BladeCenter] a combined 3yr 24x7x4Hr Warr. Upgr. and base technical support at a reduced price
* [ IBM ServicePac: Worldwide Matrix XLS] – ServicePacs speardsheet (XLS) details offerings for most IBM hardware and software install and support offerings.

===Services: Classes & eLearning===
* [ IBM System x Seminar] – Detailed Web-based technical training courses.
* [ IBM System x Education Class List] – List of currently available System x courses.
* [ IBM Techdocs: Technical Library] – Provides access to the Technical Sales Support organization’s technical information databases.
* [ IBM BC-S eLearning Modules] – Four eLearning Modules for BladeCenter S – Intro, Configuring, and Managing topics

===Services: ITSO Publications===
* [ IBM ITSO: Redbooks] – Solution oriented technical documents.
* [ IBM ITSO: Redbooks: System x] – Solution oriented technical documents.
* [ IBM ITSO: IBM Director 5.20 Redbook] – Implementing IBM Director 5.20 Redbook.
* [ IBM ITSO: IBM Director Redwiki] – Redwiki to provide detailed best practices, scenerios, and other information about using IBM Director.
* [ IBM ITSO: ServeRAID reference] – ServeRAID Adapter Quick Reference Redpaper (Updated).

Non-IBM resources

===Resources: Non-commercial===
* [] – Site with xSeries tips, documentation, and reference materials.
* [ Firmware & drivers cheatsheet] – Cheatsheet with listings of current firmware and drivers for most systems
* [] – News, links and tutorials for IBM System x, IBM Director and Remote Deployment Manager.
* [ bladeserver] – A site similar to this site dedicated to the Nortel switchs for the IBM BladeCenter.
* [ Bart’s PEBuilder] – Outstanding tool for building bootable Windows XP CD’s.
* [ Electricity around the world] – Tutorial and information about worldwide electrical standards.
* [] – An unofficial source for IBM System x and BladeCenter
* [ Ward’s Machine Type Portal] – An unofficial source quick access to IBM system support pages
* [ Doug Ranz’a System p portal] – Doug Ranz’s collection of AIX, pSeries, Sys p5, Miata & Aviation Stuff

===Resources: Commercial===
* [] – Purchase info on options no longer marketed by IBM.
* [ Synergy Associates] – Purchase info on options no longer marketed by IBM.
* [ Windows Sysinternals] – Makers of some great tools including one of my favorites – Bginfo
* [ Avocent Connectivity Solutions (equinox)] – Serial related products including cool network appliance devices.
* [ Buy Power Gear] – Power related products and info (connectors and special cables).
* [ Rack Solutions for IBM] – xSeries rack mount kits for non-standard and 2 post racks.
* [ APCC Products] – Power protection related products (many remarketed by IBM).
* [ SuperCache (Citrix on blade)] – SuperCache and SuperCache II use system memory to improve disk performance on cacheless systems.
* [ Recovery Force] – Affordable data recovery services.
* [ Drive Savers Data Recovery] – Disk data recovery experts. They can work with ServeRAID arrays if needed (800-440-1904).
* [ Sun Java archive] – Download location for older versions of Sun’s java implementation
* [ CompTia A+ Training] – CBT Planet provides A+ cbt computer based training and certification study guide CDs at the lowest prices.
* [ Anywhere USB] – USB Over IP® connects USB devices anywhere on a wired or wireless LAN. Great for blades and VM’s.
* [ Ucertify] – Provider of exam software and study notes, articles, tips & tricks for IT certifications
* [ | Data Recovery] – SF Bay Area Low Cost Data Recovery added 01/18/10

===Resources: Visio===
* [] – Official Visio stencils for IBM System x, p5, i, and z, BladeCenter, and TotalStorage.
* [ NetZoom Visio Stencils] – NetZoom Network Diagramming Solutions and Visio Stencils.
* [ JD Tools Visio] – JDTools Visio Files.

===Resources: VMware===
* [ VMware link listing] – A very large list of VMware related links found on VMware’s forums. Lots of categories.
* [ VMware Land] – List of VMware related links
* [] – A NOC network monitoring application that integrates with SNMP for host checking, monitoring and graphing.

===Resources: XML files===
* [ ibm utl dsa 202i windows noarch.xml] – XML file for distrbuting DSA (unsupported)

===Resources: EAL files===
* [ EAL PING] – IBM Director EAL task: Ping a device (unsupported)
* [ EAL RDP] – IBM Director EAL task: Launch RDP session (unsupported)
* [ EAL SSH] – IBM Director EAL task: Launch SSH session (unsupported)
* [ EAL TRACERT] – IBM Director EAL task: Tracert a device (unsupported)

===Resources: EAP files===
* [ EAP] – EAP that will minimize false topology offline events (unsupported)

===Resources: Scripts===
* [ rsa cfg.txt] – Script for configuring the RSA inband via MPCLI (unsupported)
* [ dsa schedule.txt] – Script for configuring the RSA inband via MPCLI (unsupported)

===Resources: Documentation===
* [ amm telnet commands.txt] – Script for configuring the RSA inband via MPCLI (unsupported)

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